Age model and isotopes of sediment core GeoB1523-1

Autoria(s): Gingele, Franz; Kasten, Sabine; Mulitza, Stefan; Rühlemann, Carsten

LATITUDE: 3.831667 * LONGITUDE: -41.621667 * DATE/TIME START: 1991-05-17T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1991-05-17T00:00:00 * MINIMUM DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.030 m * MAXIMUM DEPTH, sediment/rock: 4.480 m




text/tab-separated-values, 314 data points








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Access constraints: unrestricted

Palavras-Chave #Age model; Age model, SPECMAP chronology, Imbrie et al. (1984); Amazon Fan; Barium, biogenic; Barium, flux; Calculated; DEPTH, sediment/rock; GeoB; GeoB1523-1; Geosciences, University of Bremen; Gravity corer (Kiel type); M16/2; Meteor (1986); SFB261; SL; South Atlantic in Late Quaternary: Reconstruction of Budget and Currents
