Nutrients in the water (dissolved inorganic and organic forms, particle-bound forms) of the western Black Sea shelf during POSEIDON cruise POS363 in March 2008

Autoria(s): Friedrich, Jana; Mee, Laurence; Eulenburg, Antje; Minicheva, Galina

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 44.357415 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: 29.968743 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 42.791170 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 28.016000 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 45.904830 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 31.735500 * DATE/TIME START: 2008-03-08T05:47:00 * DATE/TIME END: 2008-03-24T04:33:00 * MINIMUM DEPTH, water: 1.0 m * MAXIMUM DEPTH, water: 500.0 m




text/tab-separated-values, 2368 data points








Friedrich, Jana; Aleynik, Dmitry; Kusch, Stephanie; Mee, Laurence; Minicheva, Galina; Shapiro, Grigory I; Soloviev, DM; Stevens, Tim; Teaca, Adrian (2008): Cruise report POS363, RV "Poseidon", March 7 to 25 2008, Varna/Varna. Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany, 59 pp, doi:10.3289/CR_POS_363


CC-BY-NC-SA: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported

Access constraints: unrestricted


Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht Centre for Materials and Coastal Research

Palavras-Chave #101_CK1; 102_CK2; 103_CK3; 104_CK4; 105_CK5; 106_CK6; 107_CK7; 111_OS1; 115_DD10; 118_DD9; 119_DD8; 120_DD7; 124_DD6; 126_DD3; 127_DD2; 128_DD1; 129_DP4; 130_DP4a; 132_DD4; 135_ED4; 136_DN7; 138_Phy3; 139_Phy4; 140_Phy4a; 141_Phy2; 142_Phy1; 143_DN12; 146_DN11; 149_Phy10; 150_DN16; 152_Phy6; 153_DN14; 158_DN6; 159_Phy7; 160_Phy8; 161_Phy9; 163_ED5; 164_ED6; 165_ED7; 166_ED8; 167_DD12; 168_DP1; 169_DP2; 177_DP5; 179_OS5; 181_OS1a; 182_OS2a; 183_OS7; 184_CO1; 188_BG1; 189_BG2; 191_VA2; 192_VA3; 193_CK1a; 194_CK1b; 195_CK2a; 196_CK2b; 197_CK3a; 200_CK5a; 203_CK8a; 205_CK10; Ammonium; Black Sea; Carbon, organic, dissolved; Carbon, organic, particulate; CTD/Rosette; CTD-RO; Date/Time of event; DEPTH, water; Elevation of event; Event label; Latitude of event; Longitude of event; Nitrate; Nitrate and Nitrite; Nitrite; Nitrogen, organic, dissolved; Nitrogen, particulate; Nitrogen, total dissolved; Optional event label; Phosphate; Phosphorus, organic, dissolved; Phosphorus, particulate; Phosphorus, total dissolved; POS363; POS363_101-1; POS363_102-1; POS363_103-1; POS363_104-1; POS363_105-1; POS363_106-1; POS363_107-1; POS363_111-1; POS363_115-1; POS363_118-1; POS363_119-1; POS363_120-2; POS363_124-1; POS363_126-1; POS363_127-1; POS363_128-2; POS363_129-1; POS363_130-1; POS363_132-1; POS363_135-1; POS363_136-1; POS363_138-1; POS363_139-1; POS363_140-1; POS363_141-1; POS363_142-1; POS363_143-1; POS363_146-1; POS363_149-1; POS363_150-1; POS363_152-1; POS363_153-5; POS363_158-1; POS363_159-2; POS363_160-1; POS363_161-1; POS363_163-1; POS363_164-1; POS363_165-1; POS363_166-1; POS363_167-1; POS363_168-1; POS363_169-1; POS363_177-1; POS363_179-1; POS363_181-1; POS363_182-1; POS363_183-1; POS363_184-1; POS363_188-1; POS363_189-1; POS363_191-1; POS363_192-1; POS363_193-1; POS363_194-1; POS363_195-1; POS363_196-1; POS363_197-1; POS363_200-1; POS363_203-1; POS363_205-1; Poseidon; Silicate
