Organic carbon accumulation, Holocene

Autoria(s): Mollenhauer, Gesine; Schneider, Ralph R; Jennerjahn, Tim C; Müller, Peter J; Wefer, Gerold

MEDIAN LATITUDE: -9.814679 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: -9.525529 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: -35.125000 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -45.881667 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 9.013333 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 17.543333 * DATE/TIME START: 1975-01-01T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 2000-08-20T00:00:00 * MINIMUM DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.010 m * MAXIMUM DEPTH, sediment/rock: 999.999 m




text/tab-separated-values, 319 data points









Mollenhauer, Gesine; Schneider, Ralph R; Jennerjahn, Tim C; Müller, Peter J; Wefer, Gerold (2004): Organic carbon accumulation in the South Atlantic Ocean: its modern, mid-Holocene and last glacial distribution. Global and Planetary Change, 40(3-4), 249-266, doi:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2003.08.002


CC-BY: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

Access constraints: unrestricted

Palavras-Chave #0036PG; 0050PG; 0055PG; 0058PG; 0066PG; 0071PG; 0075PG; 0082PG; 0091PG; 108-663B; 175-1082A; 175-1084A; Accumulation rate, total organic carbon; Amazon Fan; Angola Basin; ANT-IV/1c; Argentine Basin; Atlantic Ocean; Benguela Current, South Atlantic Ocean; Brazil Basin; Calculated; Cape Basin; Carbon, organic, total; Cardno Seamount; Comment; Congo Fan; Depth, bottom/max; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Depth, top/min; DRILL; Drilling/drill rig; Element analyser CHN, LECO; Elevation of event; EN06601; EN066-10GGC; EN066-21GGC; EN066-24PG; EN066-29GGC; EN066-36PG; EN066-39GGC; EN066-47PG; Endeavor; Equatorial Atlantic; Event label; FGGE-Equator ´79 - First GARP Global Experiment; GC; GeoB; GeoB1008-3; GeoB1016-3; GeoB1028-5; GeoB1031-4; GeoB1032-3; GeoB1034-3; GeoB1035-4; GeoB1041-3; GeoB1101-5; GeoB1105-4; GeoB1112-4; GeoB1115-3; GeoB1117-2; GeoB1118-3; GeoB1211-3; GeoB1214-1; GeoB1220-1; GeoB1401-4; GeoB1408-2; GeoB1417-1; GeoB1505-2; GeoB1515-1; GeoB1520-2; GeoB1523-1; GeoB1704-4; GeoB1705-1; GeoB1706-2; GeoB1707-1; GeoB1710-3; GeoB1711-4; GeoB1712-4; GeoB1719-7; GeoB1720-2; GeoB1721-7; GeoB1722-1; GeoB2109-1; GeoB2125-1; GeoB2202-4; GeoB2204-2; GeoB3104-1; GeoB3117-1; GeoB3129-1; GeoB3603-2; GeoB3606-1; GeoB3607-2; GeoB3718-10; GeoB3720-3; GeoB3722-2; Geosciences, University of Bremen; GEOTROPEX 83, NOAMP I; Giant box corer; GIK13519-1; GIK13521-1; GIK16408-2; GIK16459-1; GIK16867-2; GKG; Gravity corer; Gravity corer (Kiel type); Guinea Basin; IOW226920-3; Joides Resolution; JOPSII-6; KN11002; Knorr; KNR110-50; KNR110-55; KNR110-58; KNR110-66; KNR110-71; KNR110-75; KNR110-82; KNR110-91; Latitude of event; Leg108; Leg175; Longitude of event; M12/1; M16/1; M16/2; M20/2; M23/2; M23/3; M34/1; M34/2; M39; M48/2; M48/2_386; M51; M6/5; M6/6; M65; M9/4; Meteor (1964); Meteor (1986); Mid Atlantic Ridge; Namibia continental slope; NE-Brazilian continental margin; NIOZ78; NIOZ80; Northern Cape Basin; off Gabun; Polarstern; PS08; Reference/source; Sample code/label; SL; South Atlantic Ocean; Southern Cape Basin; T78-33; T78-42; T78-45; T78-46; T80-11; Tyro; Victor Hensen; Walvis Bay/Namibia; Walvis Ridge; Walvis Ridge, Southeast Atlantic Ocean
