Zooplankton collected in the ice covered Chupa Inlet (White Sea) on 6-7 April 2002

Autoria(s): Kosobokova, Ksenia N; Ratkova, Tatyana N; Sazhin, Andrey F

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 66.331125 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: 33.664525 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 66.330900 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 33.663100 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 66.331800 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 33.665000 * DATE/TIME START: 2002-04-06T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 2002-04-07T00:00:00




Size-, species- and age composition of zooplankton was studied in the ice-covered Chupa Inlet (White Sea, Kandalksha Bay) in early April 2002. The species composition of zooplankton was poor and typical for the end of the winter season, and abundance and biomass were considerably lower than in summer. In terms of biomass two species of copepods (Calanus glacialis and Pseudocalanus minutus) prevailed. Both species were already feeding on ice algae available and began to reproduce. Such early reproduction of Calanus glacialis was noted in the White Sea for the first time. Obtained results show that secondary production in the White Sea starts well before thawing of the ice cover.


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CC-BY: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

Access constraints: unrestricted


Supplement to: Kosobokova, Ksenia N; Ratkova, Tatyana N; Sazhin, Andrey F (2003): Zooplankton in the ice-covered Chupa Inlet (White Sea) in the early spring of 2002. Translated from Okeanologiya, 2003, 43(5), 734-743, Oceanology, 43(5), 694-703

Palavras-Chave #A. digitale; A. laurentii; A. longiremis; Acartia longiremis; Aeginopsis laurentii; Aglantha digitale; Appendicu fec pel; Appendicularia, fecal pellets; Archive of Ocean Data; ARCOD; B. cucumis; Beroe cucumis; C. glacialis; Calanus glacialis; Calculated; Calculated from abundance/volume; Calculated from wet weight/volume; Chupa-2002-1; Chupa-2002-2; Ciliata, biomass as carbon; Ciliata C; Copepoda, fecal pellets; Copepoda fec pel; Depth, bottom/max; Depth, top/min; DEPTH, water; Depth bot; Depth top; Depth water; Diatom C; Diatoms, biomass as carbon; Event; F. borealis; Flagellates, heterotrophic, biomass as carbon; Flagellates, phototrophic, biomass as carbon; Fritillaria borealis; Gastropoda, larvae; Gastropoda larv; Harpacticoida; HFL C; M. longa; M. norvegica; Metridia longa; Microplankton, biomass as carbon; Microsetella norvegica; MULT; Multiple investigations; Mycro C; N. farrani; Neoscolecithrix farrani; Nudibranchia sp., larvae; Nudibranchia sp. larv; O. borealis; O. similis; O. vanhoffeni; of total abundance; of total abundance, 0.1-1.0 mm; of total abundance, 0.1 mm; of total abundance, 0.4 mm; of total abundance, 0.5-2 mm; of total abundance, 1-1.5 mm; of total abundance, 1-3 mm; of total abundance, 14-22 mm; of total abundance, 1 mm; of total abundance, 2-9 mm; of total abundance, c3-c5, females; of total abundance, c4-c5, females, males; of total abundance, copepodites, females; of total abundance, copepodites, females, males; of total abundance, eggs, females, c4; of total abundance, eggs, naupliuses, c2-c5, females, males; of total abundance, females; of total abundance, females, males, c1-c4; of total abundance, larvae, adult, 5-6 mm; of total abundance, naupliuses, c2-c2, c5; of total biomass; of total biomass, 0.1-1.0 mm; of total biomass, 0.1 mm; of total biomass, 0.4 mm; of total biomass, 1-1.5 mm; of total biomass, 1-3 mm; of total biomass, 14-22 mm; of total biomass, c3-c5, females; of total biomass, c4-c5, females, males; of total biomass, copepodites, females; of total biomass, copepodites, females, males; of total biomass, eggs, females, c4; of total biomass, eggs, naupliuses, c2-c5, females, males; of total biomass, females; of total biomass, females, males, c1-c4; of total biomass, naupliuses, c2-c2, c5; Oikopleura vanhoffeni; Oithona similis; Oncaea borealis; other, mainly phototrophic dinoflagellates; P. abyssorum; P. borealis; P. minutus; P. minutus fem; P. pileus; Parathemisto abyssorum; PhFl BC; Pleurobrachia pileus; Plotocnide borealis; Polychaeta, larvae; Polychaeta larv; Pseudocalanus minutus; Pseudocalanus minutus, female; ready for egg shedding; S. elegans; Sagitta elegans; T. furcata; Tide; Time of day; Tisbe furcata; total; White Sea; with egg sacks
