Physical, geochemical and magnetic properties of several ODP Leg 192 sites, Ontong Java Plateau

Autoria(s): Zhao, Xixi; Antretter, Maria J; Kroenke, Loren; Riisager, Peter; Hall, Stuart

MEDIAN LATITUDE: -0.418983 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: 159.495622 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: -1.176980 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 157.014980 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 0.942530 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 161.667700 * DATE/TIME START: 2000-09-18T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 2000-10-29T00:00:00




In this manuscript, we present the results of a physical properties investigation carried out on basaltic cores recovered from the four Leg 192 basement sites, focusing on the relationship between physical properties and alteration in basalts. Variations in physical properties in the Leg 192 basement sites closely resemble each other and reflect the amount of alteration and vein formation in the basement basalts. P-wave velocities, magnetic susceptibilities, and densities for the dense massive basalts are higher than those of more altered and heavily veined basalts. Porosity-dependent alteration is observed at Leg 192 basement sites: P-wave velocity displays a general decrease with increasing loss on ignition and potassium content. These trends are consistent with trends documented for typical alteration of oceanic crust and suggest that basalt alteration is largely responsible for the variation of the physical properties exhibited by rocks at Leg 192 basement sites. Our physical property data support the conclusion that only low-temperature seawater-mediated alteration occurred in the lava flows of the Ontong Java Plateau (OJP). This lack of higher-temperature hydrothermal alteration is consistent with the idea that the OJP basement sites are far from their eruptive vents.


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Supplement to: Zhao, Xixi; Antretter, Maria J; Kroenke, Loren; Riisager, Peter; Hall, Stuart (2004): Relationships between physical properties and alteration in basement rocks from the Ontong Java Plateau. In: Fitton, JG; Mahoney, JJ; Wallace, PJ; Saunders, AD (eds.) Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 193, 1-33

Palavras-Chave #192-1183A; 192-1185A; 192-1185B; 192-1186A; 192-1187A; basement; Conductivity, thermal; DBD; Density, dry bulk; Density, grain; Density, wet bulk; Density grain; Depth; DEPTH, sediment/rock; DRILL; Drilling/drill rig; Event; Joides Resolution; k; K2O; l; Label; Leg192; Length; Lithologic unit/sequence; LOI; Loss on ignition; Magnetic susceptibility; MAGS; mbsf; measurement type: _ = uncut split core, C = cut sample, M = minicore. x = into the core, y = across the core, z = along the core.; Method; Method comment; MultiVolume Pycnometer 1305 (Micromeritics); North Pacific Ocean; Ocean Drilling Program; ODP; ODP sample designation; of vein; of vein, range max; of vein, range min; #0 = hairline fracture; Piece; Poros; Porosity; Potassium oxide; Sample code/label; South Pacific Ocean; Susceptibility single sample; Unit; Velocity, compressional wave; Vp; w; WBD; Width
