Zooplankton community within the Titanic Polygon, Northwest Atlantic, summer 2003

Autoria(s): Vinogradov, Georgy M; Musaeva, Eteri I; D'yakonov, Vladimir Yu; Gagarin, Vladimir I

LATITUDE: 41.733333 * LONGITUDE: -49.916667 * DATE/TIME START: 2003-06-25T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 2003-06-26T00:00:00




In summer 2003 we continued our long-term series of observations over the zooplankton community within the Titanic Polygon (area of the frontal zone of Gulf Stream and the Labrador Current) in the North Atlantic, where interaction of ecosystems of subpolar and warm waters takes place. Depending on hydrological situation occurring in the frontal zone interrelated interannual variations in abundance and biomass of plankton species including Calanus hyperboreus and mesopelagic shrimps of Acanthephyra genus were observed. In different years contribution of two parallel trophic nets passing primarily through the larger and smaller plankters to formation of the community varied. Data on the size structure of population of macroplankton shrimps are presented.


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Supplement to: Vinogradov, Georgy M; Musaeva, Eteri I; D'yakonov, Vladimir Yu; Gagarin, Vladimir I (2004): Vertical distribution of zooplankton in the area of the frontal zone of the Gulf Stream and subpolar waters (Titanic test area) in the summer 2003. Translated from Okeanologiya, 2004, 44(2), 249-258, Oceanology, 44(2), 230-239

Palavras-Chave #Acanthephyra; Acanthephyra, biomass; Acanthephyra, biomass per area; Acanthephyra, length, average; Acanthephyra, length, maximum; Acanthephyra, length, minimum; Acanthephyra, length, standard deviation; Acanthephyra BA; Acanthephyra biom; Acanthephyra l av; Acanthephyra l max; Acanthephyra l min; Acanthephyra l std dev; Akademik Mstislav Keldysh; AMK49; AMK49-4547; AMK49-4549; Archive of Ocean Data; ARCOD; C. finmarchicus BA; C. finmarchicus biom; C. hyperboreus BA; C. hyperboreus biom; Calanus finmarchicus, biomass; Calanus finmarchicus, biomass per area; Calanus hyperboreus, biomass; Calanus hyperboreus, biomass per area; Calculated; Carapax length; Carapax length, average; Carapax length, maximal; Carapax length, minimal; Carapax length, standard deviation; Car l; Car l av; Car l max; Car l min; Car l std dev; caught; Chaetognatha, biomass; Chaetognatha, biomass per area; Chaetognatha BA; Chaetognatha biom; Cyclothones, biomass; Cyclothones, biomass per area; Cyclothones BA; Cyclothones biom; Depth, bottom/max; Depth, top/min; DEPTH, water; Depth bot; Depth top; Depth water; Event; mainly A. pelagica; Medu biom; Medusae, biomass; Medusae biom; Mesoplankton, biomass; Mesoplankton, biomass per area; Mesopl BA; Mesopl biom; Metridia, biomass per area; Metridia BA; Metridia spp., biomass as dry weight; Metridia spp. biom; other; Pareuchaeta, biomass; Pareuchaeta, biomass per area; Pareuchaeta BA; Pareuchaeta biom; Pisces, biomass; Pisces, biomass per area; Pisces BA; Pisces biom; Plankton net BR 113/140; PLANKTY program of biomass calculation from measured data; PN-BR; Pyrosoma, biomass; Pyrosoma, biomass per area; Pyrosoma BA; Pyrosoma biom; Ruler tape; Shrimp; Shrimps; Shrimps, biomass; Shrimps, biomass per area; Shrimps BA; Shrimps biom; T. compressa BA; T. compressa biom; Themisto compressa, biomass; Themisto compressa, biomass per area; Time of day; Titanic Polygon, Northwest Atlantic; with admixture of C. Helgolandicus; with carapax length 10-15 mm; with carapax length 15-20 mm; with carapax length 20-25 mm; with length 100-110 mm; with length 110-120 mm; with length 50-60 mm; with length 60-70 mm; with length 70-80 mm; with length 80-90 mm; with length 90-100 mm; with minor admixture of T. abyssorum
