Planktonic foraminifera of sediment core T89-40 on the Walvis Ridge, South Atlantic

Autoria(s): Ufkes, Els; Jansen, J H Fred; Schneider, Ralph R

LATITUDE: -21.605000 * LONGITUDE: 6.776700 * DATE/TIME START: 1989-11-11T13:27:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1989-11-11T13:27:00




Core T89-40, eastern Walvis Ridge between the subtropical gyre and Benguela coastal upwelling system, contains three types of levels of abundant left-coiled Neogloboquadrina pachyderma, a cold, eutrophic species, next to subtropical species. Type A peaks (362, 110 and 53-43 ky BP) are accompanied with high percentages of other eutrophic species. They are attributed to intensified upwelling in the Northern Benguela region. Type B peaks (129 and 92 ky BP) are accompanied by moderate (<48%) contributions of other eutrophic species and increased numbers of subtropical species. These suggest intensified upwelling in the Northern Benguela cells and may reflect increased seasonal contrasts between the winter upwelling and the subtropical summer conditions. The highest C-peaks, up to 38%, are associated with strongly reduced percentages of other eutrophic species and with abundant subtropical species (Marine Isotopic Stage 11.3 (401 ky) and 9.3 (326 ky)). The subtropical species preceeded the C-peaks by ca 8 ky. We argue that the C-peaks were not produced by local reproduction but expatriated from the Northern Benguela upwelling cells. Here more nutrient-rich waters may have produced a mono-specific Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (left) fauna during strong polewards shifts of the frontal systems in the South Atlantic, which could have been transported 700 km offshore to the core location, unadmixed with eutrophic species from the surrounding waters. We propose meandering shelf-edge jets, strong contour jets, as a mechanism for the transport. The timing of the C-peaks and associated subtropical peaks agrees with the known precessional cyclicity of the SE Atlantic front movements and zonality of the trade winds, which supports the shelf-edge jet hypothesis.


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Supplement to: Ufkes, Els; Jansen, J H Fred; Schneider, Ralph R (2000): Anomalous occurrendes of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (left) in a 420-ky upwelling record from Walvis Ridge (SE Atlantic). Marine Micropaleontology, 40(1-2), 23-42, doi:10.1016/S0377-8398(00)00030-X

Palavras-Chave #Age; AGE; Age control points for the oxygen-isotope curve of T89-40 (after Imbrie et al.,; Age model; Calculated, see reference(s); Counting 150-600 µm fraction; Depth; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Foraminifera, planktic; Foraminifera, planktic flux; Foram plankt; Foram plankt flux; Fragmentation index, planktic foraminifera; Fragm plankt foram; G. bulloides; G. crassaformis; G. falconensis; G. glutinata; G. inflata; G. menardii; G. quinqueloba; G. ruber w; G. sacculifer; G. scitula; G. siphonifera; G. tenellus; G. truncatulinoides d; G. truncatulinoides s; Globigerina bulloides; Globigerina falconensis; Globigerina quinqueloba; Globigerinella siphonifera; Globigerinita glutinata; Globigerinoides ruber white; Globigerinoides sacculifer; Globigerinoides tenellus; Globorotalia crassaformis; Globorotalia inflata; Globorotalia menardii; Globorotalia scitula; Globorotalia truncatulinoides dextral; Globorotalia truncatulinoides sinistral; Marine isotopoc stage; MIS; N. dutertrei; N. pachyderma d; N. pachyderma s; Neogloboquadrina dutertrei; Neogloboquadrina pachyderma dextral; Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sinistral; NIOZ89; O. universa; Orbulina universa; PC; Piston corer; Southeast Atlantic; T89-40; T89-40-PC; Tyro
