Neogene and Quaternary silicoflagellates, actiniscidians, and ebridians are described from Sites 679 through 688 in the eastern Pacific off Peru. Five silicoflagellate zones and one horizon can be distinguished in the Neogene and Quaternary sequences. The encountered Eocene and Oligocene sequences are barren in silicoflagellates. Several hiatuses were noted in the Neogene and early Pleistocene sequences. Displaced silicoflagellates and ebridians from older strata were found occasionally, with a distinct increase in the Quaternary at Site 688. Distribution lists for species found are presented for Sites 682, 683, 685 and 688. Systematic discussion centers on the Distephanus bioctonarius group, with special reference to Hole 681A. Two new forms (Distephanus bioctonarius f. decimarius and Distephanus speculum subsp. speculum f. pseudoseptenarius) are described from the eastern Pacific Quaternary sequence.
Supplement to: Martini, Erlend (1990): Tertiary and Quaternary silicoflagellates, actiniscidians, and ebridians from the eastern Pacific off Peru (Leg 112). In: Suess, E; von Huene, R; et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 112, 157-173, doi:10.2973/