Major element concentration and radionuclides of equatorial Pacific deep-sea sediments

Autoria(s): Pichat, Sylvain; Sims, Kenneth W W; Francois, Roger; McManus, Jerry F; Brown Leger, Susan; Albarède, Francis

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 0.594560 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: -169.923484 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: -0.233300 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 146.236000 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 1.420000 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -110.519710 * DATE/TIME START: 1991-06-07T23:25:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1991-06-10T12:04:00




The (231Pa/230Th)xs,0 records obtained from two cores from the western (MD97-2138; 1°25'S, 146°24'E, 1900 m) and eastern (ODP Leg 138 Site 849, 0°11.59'N, 110°31.18'W, 3851 m) equatorial Pacific display similar variability over the last 85000 years, i.e. from isotopic stages 1 to 5a, with systematically higher values during the Holocene, isotopic stage 3 and isotopic stage 5a, and lower values, approaching the production rate ratio of the two isotopes (0.093), during the colder periods corresponding to isotopic stages 2 and 4. We have also measured the 230Th-normalized biogenic preserved and terrigenous fluxes, as well as major and trace elements concentrations, in both cores. The (231Pa/230Th)xs,0 results combined with the changes in preserved carbonate and opal fluxes at the eastern site indicate lower productivity in the eastern equatorial Pacific during glacial periods. The (231Pa/230Th)xs,0 variations in the western equatorial Pacific (WEP) also seem to be controlled by productivity (carbonate and/or opal). The generally high (231Pa/230Th)xs,0 ratios (>0.093) of the profile could be due to opal and/or MnO2 in the sinking particles. The profiles of (231Pa/230Th)xs,0 and 230Th-normalized fluxes indicate a decrease in exported carbonate, and possibly opal, during isotopic stages 2 and 4 in MD97-2138. Using 230Th-normalized flux, we also show that sediments from the two cores were strongly affected by sediment redistribution by bottom currents suggesting a control of mass accumulation rates by sediment focusing variability.


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Supplement to: Pichat, Sylvain; Sims, Kenneth W W; Francois, Roger; McManus, Jerry F; Brown Leger, Susan; Albarède, Francis (2004): Lower export production during glacial periods in the equatorial Pacific derived from (231Pa/230Th)xs,0 measurements. Paleoceanography, 19(4), PA4023, doi:10.1029/2003PA000994

Palavras-Chave #138-849B; 230Th concentration measured by isotope dilution SF-ICP-MS; 230Th xs,0; 231Pa/230Th xs,0; 231Pa concentration measured by isotope dilution SF-ICP-MS; 231Pa xs,0; 232Th; 238U; -a -b: full duplicate (dissolution chemistry mass spectrometry); -1 -2: replicate measurement; -ave: average value of the replicates. Sample code/labels are the same as in Pichat et al., 2003, datasets: doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.713184.; -a -b: full replicate measurement; -ave: average value of the replicates. Sample code/labels are the same as in Pichat et al., 2003, datasets: doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.713184; Age; AGE; Al; Aluminium; BC; BC36; Box corer; bSiO2; Ca; CaCO3; Calcium; Calcium carbonate; Calculated; Calculated, normative; CALYPSO; Calypso Corer; Depth; DEPTH, sediment/rock; DRILL; Drilling/drill rig; Fe; ICP-AES, Inductively coupled plasma - atomic emission spectroscopy; IMAGES; IMAGES III - IPHIS; Inductively coupled plasma-sector field-mass spectrometry (ICP-SF-MS); International Marine Global Change Study; Iron; isotope dilution; Joides Resolution; Label; Leg138; Litho; Lithogenic material; Manganese; Manganese oxide; Marion Dufresne; maximum; MD106; MD972138; MD97-2138; minimum; Mn; MnO; Moana Wave; MW9106-36BC; MW9109; North Pacific Ocean; Ocean Drilling Program; ODP; ODP sample designation; Ontong Java Plateau; Opal, biogenic silica; Precision (2 sigma) = 1.1% based on 7 replicate measurements of USGS SRM MAG-1; Precision (2 sigma) = 2.9% based on 5 replicate measurements of USGS SRM MAG-1; Precision (2 sigma) = 3.4% based on 7 replicate measurements of USGS SRM MAG-1; Precision (2 sigma) = 3.6% based on 7 replicate measurements of USGS SRM MAG-1; Precision (2 sigma) = 4.0% based on 5 replicate measurements of USGS SRM MAG-1; Precision (2 sigma) = 4.2% based on 7 replicate measurements of USGS SRM MAG-1; Precision (2 sigma) = 4.3% based on 5 replicate measurements of USGS SRM MAG-1; Precision (2 sigma) = 4.5% based on 7 replicate measurements of USGS SRM MAG-1; Precision (2 sigma) = 4.9% based on 5 replicate measurements of USGS SRM MAG-1; Precision (2 sigma) = 6.8% based on 5 replicate measurements of USGS SRM MAG-1; Protactinium 231/Thorium 230 excess, decay-corrected; Protactinium 231 excess, decay-corrected; Sample code/label; Si; Silicon; Thorium 230 excess, decay-corrected; Thorium 232; Ti; Titanium; Uranium 238
