Water chemistry and diatom occurrences in sediments of Terrasovoje, Radok and Beaver Lake, Amery Oasis, East Antarctica

Autoria(s): Cremer, Holger; Gore, Damian B; Hultzsch, Nadja; Melles, Martin; Wagner, Bernd

MEDIAN LATITUDE: -70.651620 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: 68.049348 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: -70.848250 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 68.025667 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: -70.555400 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 68.197670 * DATE/TIME START: 2001-12-28T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 2002-02-08T00:00:00




The diatom flora of three lakes in the ice-free Amery Oasis, East Antarctica, was studied. Two of the lakes are meltwater reservoirs, Terrasovoje Lake (31 m depth) and Radok Lake (362 m depth), while Beaver Lake (>435 m depth) is an epishelf lake. The lakes can be characterized as cold, ultra-oligotrophic and alkaline, displaying moderate (Radok and Terrasovoje lakes) to high (Beaver Lake) conductivities. There was no diatom phytoplankton present in any of the three lakes. While 34 benthic diatom taxa were identified from modern and Holocene sediments of Terrasovoje and Radok lakes, a 30-cm long sediment core recovered in Beaver Lake was barren. Five species (Luticola muticopsis, Muelleria peraustralis, Pinnularia cymatopleura, Psammothidium metakryophilum, P. stauroneioides) are endemic to the Antarctic region. All identified taxa are photographically documented and brief notes on their taxonomy, biogeography and ecology are provided. The most abundant diatom taxa are Amphora veneta, Craticula cf. molesta, Diadesmis spp, M. peraustralis and Stauroneis anceps. This is the first report on the diatom flora in lakes of the Amery Oasis.


application/zip, 3 datasets









Wagner, Bernd (2007): Hydrological and geochemical observations of a water profile at location Lz1007. doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.611099

Wagner, Bernd; Cremer, Holger; Hultzsch, Nadja; Gore, Damian B; Melles, Martin (2007): (Table 1) Hydrological and geochemical observations of a water profile at location Lz1005. doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.611232


CC-BY: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

Access constraints: unrestricted


Supplement to: Cremer, Holger; Gore, Damian B; Hultzsch, Nadja; Melles, Martin; Wagner, Bernd (2004): The diatom flora and limnology of lakes in the Amery Oasis, East Antarctica. Polar Biology, 27(9), 513-531, doi:10.1007/s00300-004-0624-2

Palavras-Chave #[SO4]2-; <1 = present; A. cf. subarctica; A. pediculus; A. veneta; Amphora pediculus; Amphora veneta; Aulacoseira cf. subarctica; C. cf. distinguenda; C. cf. distinguenda var. unipunctata; C. cf. molesta; Ca2+; Calcium; Chloride; Cl-; Counting, diatoms; Craticula cf. molesta; Cyclotella cf. distinguenda; Cyclotella cf. distinguenda var. unipunctata; Cyclotella sp.; D. cf. ingeae; D. cf. perpusilla; Depth; Depth, composite; DEPTH, sediment/rock; DEPTH, water; Depth comp; Depth water; DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm 1158 - Antarktisforschung; DFG-SPP1158; Diadesmis cf. ingeae; Diadesmis cf. perpusilla; Diadesmis sp.; Diadesmis spp.; Diatoms, total abundance per unit sediment mass; E. cf. naegelii; E. incisa; Eunotia cf. naegelii; Eunotia incisa; Event; F. capucina var. rumpens; F. capucina var. vaucheriae; F. rhomboides; F. tenera; Fragilaria capucina var. rumpens; Fragilaria capucina var. vaucheriae; Fragilaria tenera; Frustulia rhomboides; H. cf. amphioxys; Hantzschia cf. amphioxys; Hantzschia sp.; Intercore correlation; K+; L. muticopsis; Label; Luticola muticopsis; M. circulare var. constrictum; M. peraustralis; Magnesium; Meridion circulare var. constrictum; Mg2+; Muelleria peraustralis; N. commutata; N. frustulum; Na+; Nitzschia commutata; Nitzschia frustulum; P. borealis var. rectangularis; P. cymatopleura; P. metakryophilum; P. stauroneioides; P. viridiformis; P. viridiformis var. minor; Pinnularia borealis var. rectangularis; Pinnularia cymatopleura; Pinnularia viridiformis; Pinnularia viridiformis var. minor; Potassium; Psammothidium metakryophilum; Psammothidium spp.; Psammothidium stauroneioides; S. anceps; S. pinnata; S. venter; Sample code/label; Si; Silicon; Sodium; sp. 1; Stauroneis anceps; Staurosira venter; Staurosirella pinnata; Sulfate; T. fenestrata; T. flocculosa; Tabellaria fenestrata; Tabellaria flocculosa; TDA/sed
