Respiration rates of tropical Atlantic copepods from the Cape Verde Islands

Autoria(s): Teuber, Lena; Kiko, Rainer; Séguin, François; Auel, Holger

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 16.782381 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: -25.110476 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 16.770000 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -25.120000 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 16.900000 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -25.020000 * DATE/TIME START: 2010-03-30T14:43:00 * DATE/TIME END: 2010-06-05T15:40:00 * MINIMUM DEPTH, water: 8 m * MAXIMUM DEPTH, water: 450 m




Copepods were sampled at two sampling sites off the island of São Vicente, Cape Verde Archipelago, in spring (March/April) and early summer (May/June) of 2010. The two sampling sites were located in Mindelo Bay (16.90N, 25.01W; bottom depth 22 m) and around 8 km off the town of São Pedro (16.77N, 25.12W; bottom depth 800 m). Samples were collected on board the local fishing vessel 'Sinagoga' using a WP-2 net (Hydrobios, 0.26 m**2 mouth opening, 200 µm mesh size). The net was either applied as a driftnet, drifting for 10 min in 22 to 0 m depth below the surface, or it was towed vertically with a towing speed of 0.5 m/s**1. For stratified sampling, the net was deployed in repetitive hauls from 560 to 210 m, from 210 to 80 m, and from 80 to 0 m in March/April and from 600 to 300 m, 300 to 100 m, and 100 to 0 m in May/June. Additional depth-integrated hauls were conducted from 600-0 m or 500-0 m during both field campaigns. Respiration rates of epi- and mesopelagic calanoid copepods were measured in the land-based laboratory at the Instituto Nacional de Desenvolvimento das Pescas (INDP) in Mindelo. Oxygen consumption was measured non-invasively by optode respirometry at three different ambient temperatures (13, 18, and 23°C) with a 10-channel oxygen respirometer (Oxy-10 Mini, PreSens Precision Sensing GmbH, Regensburg, Germany). All experiments were run in darkness in temperature-controlled incubators (LMS Cooled Incubator Series 1A, Model 280) equipped with water baths to ensure constant temperatures throughout the experiments, tolerating a variation of ±1°C.


text/tab-separated-values, 2295 data points








CC-BY: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

Access constraints: unrestricted


Supplement to: Teuber, Lena; Kiko, Rainer; Séguin, François; Auel, Holger (2013): Respiration rates of tropical Atlantic copepods in relation to the oxygen minimum zone. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 448, 28-36, doi:10.1016/j.jembe.2013.06.012

Palavras-Chave #Cape Verde; Climate - Biogeochemistry Interactions in the Tropical Ocean; Counting; Date; Depth, bottom/max; Depth, top/min; DEPTH, water; Drift net; DRIFT-NET; Duration; Elapsed time; Event label; Individual dry mass; Individual respiration rate; Individuals; Latitude of event; Longitude of event; MindeloBay-01; MindeloBay-02; Oxygen optode, mini sensor spot; Respiration rate, dry mass-specific; SaoPedro-01; SaoPedro-02; SaoPedro-03; SaoPedro-04; SaoPedro-05; SaoPedro-06; SaoPedro-07; SaoPedro-08; SaoPedro-09; SaoPedro-10; SaoPedro-11; SaoPedro-12; SaoPedro-13; SaoPedro-14; SaoPedro-15; SaoPedro-16; SaoPedro-17; SaoPedro-18; SaoPedro-19; Season; SFB754; Species; Stage; Temperature, technical; WP2; WP-2 towed closing plankton net
