Pollen and spore deposition in different areas of the Lena Delta

Autoria(s): Savelieva, Larissa A; Dorozhkina, Marina V; Pavlova, Elena Yu

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 72.971815 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: 126.377463 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 72.378611 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 125.820833 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 73.387222 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 126.614722 * DATE/TIME START: 1998-07-01T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1999-08-31T00:00:00




Studies of the annual pollen and spore deposition in different areas of the Lena Delta were undertaken for the first time in the Asian sector of the Arctic during the Russian-German ''LENA 98'' and ''LENA 99'' expeditions in the framework of the International ''Laptev Sea System-2000'' Project. To achieve this objective, three spore-pollen traps were set up along the meridional delta profile in accordance with the European Pollen Monitoring Programme for the period July 1998 to August 1999. A comparison between the results of spore-pollen analysis of the contents of traps and the surrounding vegetation was performed. The results confirmed the current spore-pollen spectra are comprised both of pollen and spores of the local plants and of long-distance pollen and spores. The dependence of the long-distance pollen deposition on the character of the wind regime of the region was established. The prevailing southerly and southeasterly wind direction determines the main pollen influx of tree species from the areas of their growth south of the delta. The features of the morphological structure and fossilization of pollen and the features of the productive capability and plant growing conditions are of large significance in the pollen transfer and deposition.


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Supplement to: Savelieva, Larissa A; Dorozhkina, Marina V; Pavlova, Elena Yu (2002): Modern annual deposition and aerial pollen transport in the Lena Delta. Polarforschung, 70, 115-122, hdl:10013/epic.29864.d001

Palavras-Chave #A. alpina; A. arundinacea; A. latifolia; A. maritima; A. tilesii; A. turgidum; A. umbellatus; Aln; Alnaster; Alnaster flux; Alnus; Alnus flux; Alt; Arctagrostis arundinacea; Arctagrostis latifolia; Arctous alpina; Armeria maritima; Art; Artemisia; Artemisia flux; Artemisia tilesii; Astae; Asteraceae; Asteraceae flux; Astragalus umbellatus; Aulacomnium turgidum; Bet.Se.A; Bet.Se.A flux; Bet.Se.F; Bet.Se.F flux; Bet.Se.N; Bet.Se.N flux; Betula sect. Albae; Betula sect. Albae flux; Betula sect. Fruticosae; Betula sect. Fruticosae flux; Betula sect. Nanae; Betula sect. Nanae flux; Braae; Brassicaceae; Brassicaceae flux; Bryales; Bryales flux; Bryes; C. aquatilis ssp. stans; C. arctica; C. caespitosa; C. concolor; C. digitata; C. giganteum; C. pratensis; C. tetrandrum; Calliergon giganteum; Caltha arctica; Caltha caespitosa; Cardamine digitata; Cardamine pratensis; Carex aquatilis ssp. stans; Carex concolor; Caryoph flux; Caryophyllaceae; Caryophyllaceae flux; cf.; cf. Cardamine; cf. Delphinium; cf. lapponicus; cf. Oxitropis; Chrysosplenium tetrandrum; Cphae; Craae; Crassulaceae; Crassulaceae flux; Cypae; Cyperaceae; Cyperaceae flux; D. borealis; D. brachycentrum; D. caespitosa ssp. borealis; D. fisheri; D. hirta; D. octopetala; D. psilosantha; D. punctata; Delphinium brachycentrum; Depth; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Deshampsia caespitosa ssp. borealis; Draba, juvenile; Draba borealis; Draba hirta; Draba juv; Drepanocladus sp.; Dryas octopetala; Dryas punctata; Dupontia fisheri; Dupontia psilosantha; E. arvense boreale; E. polystachion; E. vaginatum; Equisetum arvense boreale; Eriae; Ericaceae; Ericaceae flux; Eriophorum polystachion; Eriophorum vaginatum; Event; Fabaceae; Fabaceae flux; Fabae; Flux pollen; Gen; Gentiana; Gentiana flux; H. pauciflora; H. splendens; Hierochloe pauciflora; Hylocomium splendens; J. biglumis; Jucae; Juncaceae; Juncaceae flux; Juncus biglumis; K. asiatica; Koeleria asiatica; L. clavatum flux; L. confusa; L. glauca ssp. minor; L. multiflora; L. nivalis; L. tundricola; L-1; L-2; L-3; Lagotis glauca ssp. minor; Lamae; Lamiaceae; Lamiaceae flux; Laptev Sea System; Lena_1; Lena_2; Lena_3; Lena Delta, Siberia, Russia; Lena-Delta1998; LSS; Luzula confusa; Luzula multiflora; Luzula nivalis; Luzula tundricola; Lyc.c; Lycopodium clavatum; Lycopodium clavatum flux; M. arctica; M. asiatica; Minuartia arctica; Myosotis asiatica; N. frigida; Nardosmia frigida; not including: L. clavatum, Polypodiacea, Sphagnum, Bryales; Orcae; Orchidaceae; Orchidaceae flux; P. angustifolium; P. arctica; P. bistorta ssp. ellipticum; P. lanata; P. nudicaulis; P. oederi; P. paucispicula; P. pulvinatum; P. sp. flux; P. sudetica ssp. interioroides; P. tripterocarpum; P. villosa; P. viviparum; Papae; Papae flux; Papaveraceae; Papaveraceae flux; Papaver angustifolium; Papaver pulvinatum; Parrya nudicaulis; Pedicularis lanata; Pedicularis oederi; Pedicularis sudetica ssp. interioroides; Pedicularis villosa; Pic; Picea; Picea flux; Pin.sp; Pinus s/g Diplo; Pinus s/g Diplo flux; Pinus s/g Haplo; Pinus s/g Haplo flux; Pinus sp.; Pinus sp. flux; Pinus subgen. Diploxylon; Pinus subgen. Diploxylon flux; Pinus subgen. Haploxylon; Pinus subgen. Haploxylon flux; Poaae; Poa arctica; Poaceae; Poaceae flux; Poac flux; Poa paucispicula; Pocae; Poe.b; Poe sp.; Polae; Polemonium boreale; Polemonium sp.; Polemonium sp. flux; Pollen, flux; Pollen indet; Pollen indeterminata; Pollen indeterminata flux; Pollen indet flux; Pollen tot; Pollen total; Polygonaceae; Polygonaceae flux; Polygonum bistorta ssp. ellipticum; Polygonum tripterocarpum; Polygonum viviparum; Polypodiaceae; Polypodiaceae flux; R. alpinis; R. pygmaeus; Ran; Ranae; Ranae flux; Ranunculaceae; Ranunculaceae flux; Ranunculus; Ranunculus alpinis; Ranunculus flux; Ranunculus pygmaeus; Ranunculus sp.; Ranunculus sp. flux; Rosaceae; Rosaceae flux; Rosae; S. cernna; S. ciliatosepala; S. congestus (arcticus); S. foliolosa; S. glauca; S. hirculus; S. nelsoniana; S. nummularia; S. orientale; S. pulchra; S. reptans; Sal; Salix; Salix flux; Salix glauca; Salix nummularia; Salix pulchra; Salix reptans; Sampling on land; Saxae; Saxifragaceae; Saxifragaceae flux; Saxifraga cernna; Saxifraga foliolosa; Saxifraga hirculus; Saxifraga nelsoniana; Scoae; Scrophulariaceae; Scrophulariaceae flux; Senecio congestus (arcticus); Sph; Sphagnum; Sphagnum flux; Sphagnum orientale; Stellaria ciliatosepala; T. ceratophorum; T. nitens; Taraxacum ceratophorum; Tomenthypnum nitens; Trap, pollen; TRAPPOL; V. capitata; V. cf. capitata; V. cf. capitata flux; V. uliginosum; Vaccinium uliginosum; Valeriana capitata; Valeriana cf. capitata; Valeriana cf. capitata flux; Viola sp.; Viola sp. flux
