Physical oceanography during METEOR cruise M60/3 at the Logatchev hydrothermal field in the mid-Atlantic

Autoria(s): Seifert, Richard

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 14.763209 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: -45.015082 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 14.676253 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -45.994300 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 14.916694 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -44.924319 * DATE/TIME START: 2004-01-21T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 2004-02-08T00:00:00 * MINIMUM DEPTH, water: 2 m * MAXIMUM DEPTH, water: 3704 m




The R/V METEOR cruise M60/3 took place from January 13 through February 14, 2004. Target area was the Logatchev hydrothermal field situated on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) with main spots around 14°45'N and 44°59'W and 14°55'N and 44°55'W. The active Logatchev hydrothermal field lies on a small plateau on the eastern flank of the inner rift valley in 2900 m to 3060 m water depth. It is characterized by sites of active, high-T fluid emanation and sulfide precipitation as well as by inactive sites. CTD data for 17 stations located in the vicinity of the Logatchev hydrothermal field were recorded using a SEABIRD CTD Type 911, mostly for the entire water column. CTD sensors had been calibrated by SEABIRD directly before the cruise; additional calibrations of the data obtained, e.g. by salinometer measurements of selected samples were not accomplished. For most stations, no indication of hydrothermal plumes could be identified within the CTD-profiles. An exception is station M60/3-37-CTD-R for which the S/T plot evidences the intrusion of a component relatively depleted in salinity for the depth area from 2600m to 2700m water depth.


text/tab-separated-values, 248450 data points








Kuhn, Thomas; Alexander, Brian; Augustin, Nico; Birgel, Daniel; Borowski, Christian; de Carvalho, LM; Engemann, Greg; Ertl, S; Franz, L; Grech, C; Hekinian, Roger; Imhoff, Johannes F; Jellinek, T; Klar, Steffen; Koschinsky, Andrea; Küver, Jan; Kulescha, F; Lackschewitz, Klas S; Petersen, Sven; Ratmeyer, Volker; Renken, Jens; Ruhland, Götz; Scholten, Jan Christoph; Schreiber, Karolin; Seifert, Richard; Süling, J; Türkay, Michael; Westernstroer, Ulrike; Zielinski, Frank (2004): Mid-Atlantic Expedition 2004, Cruise No. 60, Leg 3, 14 January - 14 February 2004 - Mineralogical, geochemical, and biological investigations of hydrothermal systems on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge between 14°45' N and 15°05' N (HYDROMAR I), 14 January - 14 February 2004, Fort-de-France - Fort-de-France (Martinique). METEOR-Berichte, Leitstelle Meteor, Institut für Meereskunde der Universität Hamburg, 03-4, 59 pp, doi:10.2312/cr_m60-3


CC-BY: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

Access constraints: unrestricted


Institute for Biogeochemistry and Marine Chemistry, Hamburg University

Palavras-Chave #Conductivity; CTD, Seabird; CTD-R; Date/Time of event; Density, sigma-theta (0); DEPTH, water; DERIDGE; Elevation of event; Event label; From Mantle to Ocean: Energy-, Material- and Life-cycles at Spreading Axes; HYDROMAR1; Latitude of event; Longitude of event; M60/3; M60/3-17-CTD-R; M60/3-25-CTD-R; M60/3-31-CTD-R; M60/3-37-CTD-R; M60/3-44-CTD-R; M60/3-51-CTD-R; M60/3-52-CTD-R; M60/3-58-CTD-R; M60/3-59-CTD-R; M60/3-68-CTD-R; M60/3-69-CTD-R; M60/3-71-CTD-R; M60/3-75-CTD-R; M60/3-76-CTD-R; M60/3-81-CTD-R; M60/3-85-CTD-R; M60/3-86-CTD-R; Meteor (1986); Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 10-15°N; Salinity; Sound velocity in water; Temperature, water, potential
