Calcareous dinocysts and grain size distribution along profile Stevns-Klint

Autoria(s): Wendler, Jens E; Willems, Helmut

LATITUDE: 55.190000 * LONGITUDE: 12.280000




The distribution patterns of calcareous dinoflagellate cysts were studied in the classic Cretaceous Tertiary (K-T) boundary section of Stevns Klint, Denmark, focusing mainly on the response of the cyst association to an abrupt environmental catastrophe. A major part of the Fish Clay, which covers the K-T boundary at its base and is exposed in the investigated section, contains fallout produced by an asteroid impact. Calcareous dinoflagenate cysts are the best preserved remains of carbonate-producing phytoplankton in this layer. The potential of this group of microfossils for the analysis of survival strategies and extinction patterns has been underestimated. The cyst species of the investigated section can be grouped into four assemblages that represent victims, survivors, opportunists, and specially adapted forms. The victims (Pithonelloideae) were an extremely successful group throughout the Upper Cretaceous, but were restricted to the narrow outer shelf. This restriction minimized their spatial distribution, which generally should be large to facilitate escape from unfavorable conditions. Spatial restriction optimized the population decrease by mass mortality, disabling a successful recovery. In contrast, the survivors that became the dominating group in the Danian had a wide spatial range from the shelf environment to the oceanic realm. A unique calcareous dinocyst assemblage in the Fish Clay shows that even under the stressed conditions immediately following the impact event, some species flourished due to special adaptation or high ecological tolerance. The ability of these dinoflagellate species to form calcareous resting cysts in combination with their generally wide spatial distribution in a variety of environments appears to be the main reason for a low extinction rate at the K-T boundary as opposed to the high extinction rate of other phytoplankton groups, such as the coccolithophorids.


application/zip, 5 datasets








Wendler, Jens E (2001): Reconstruction of astronomically-forced cyclic and abrupt paleoecological changes in the upper cretaceous boreal realm based on calcareous dinoflagellate cysts. Berichte aus dem Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Universität Bremen, 183, 149 pp, urn:nbn:de:gbv:46-diss000001986


CC-BY: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

Access constraints: unrestricted


Supplement to: Wendler, Jens E; Willems, Helmut (2002): Distribution pattern of calcareous dinoflagellate cysts across the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary (Fish Clay, Stevns Klint, Denmark): Implications for our understanding of species-selective extinction. In: Koeberl, C. and MacLeod, K.G., Editors, 2002. Catastrophic Events and Mass Extinctions: Impacts and Beyond, Special Paper, Geological Society of America, 356, 265-275, doi:10.1130/0-8137-2356-6.265

Palavras-Chave #<20 µm; >125 µm; 125-20 µm; C. tetramurus; Calcicarpinum tetramurus; Carb; Carbonate bomb (Müller & Gastner, 1971); Carbonates; Counted split of the 20-75 µm fraction.; Counting, dinoflagellate cysts; GeoB; Geosciences, University of Bremen; Grain size, sieving; HAND; L. danica; Label; Lentodinella danica; O. collaris; O. obscura; Operculodinella spp.; Orthopithonella collaris; Orthopithonella sp.; Orthotabulata obscura; P. discoidea; P. lepidota; P. ovalis; P. sphaerica; Pirumella lepidota; Pithonella discoidea; Pithonella ovalis; Pithonella sphaerica; Rhabdothorax spp.; Sample code/label; Sample mass; Sampling by hand; Samp m; Size fraction < 0.020 mm; Size fraction > 0.125 mm; Size fraction 0.125-0.020 mm; Split of > 75 µm fraction.; Stevns-Klint; Total counts
