Eocene benthic foraminiferal community DSDP of Holes 95-612, 95-613 and 11-108

Autoria(s): Miller, Kenneth G; Katz, Miriam E

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 38.803975 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: -72.681225 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 38.771000 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -72.773800 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 38.820200 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -72.523800 * DATE/TIME START: 1970-05-29T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1983-09-17T00:00:00




Benthic foraminiferal biofacies may vary independently of water depth and water mass; however, calibration of biofacies and stratigraphic ranges with independent paleodepth estimates allows reconstruction of age-depth patterns applicable throughout the deep Atlantic (Tjalsma and Lohmann, 1983). We have attempted to test these faunal calibrations in a continental margin setting, reconstructing Eocene benthic foraminiferal distributions along a dip section afforded by the New Jersey Transect (DSDP Sites 612, 108, 613). The following independent estimates of Eocene depths for the transect were obtained by "backtracking," "backstripping," and by assuming increasing depth downdip ("paleoslope"): Site 612, near the middle/lower bathyal boundary (about 1000 m); Site 108, in the middle bathyal zone (about 1600 m); and Site 613, near the lower bathyal/upper abyssal boundary (about 2000 m). Within uncertainties of backtracking (hundreds of meters), these estimates agree with estimates of paleodepth based on comparison of the New Jersey margin biofacies with other backtracked faunas. The stratigraphic ranges of many benthic taxa correspond to those found at other Atlantic DSDP sites. The major biofacies patterns show: (1) a depth dichotomy between an early to middle Eocene Nuttallides truempyidominated biofacies (greater than 2000 m) and a Lenticulina-Osangularia-Alabamina cf. dissonata biofacies (1000- 2000 m); and (2) a difference between a middle and a late Eocene biofacies at Site 612. The faunal boundary at about 2000 m, between bathyal and abyssal zones, occurs not only on the margin, but also throughout the deep Atlantic. The faunal change between the middle and late Eocene at Site 612 was due to a decrease of Lenticulina spp., the local disappearance of N. truempyi, and establishment of a Bulimina alazanensis-Gyroidinoides spp. biofacies. Although this change could be attributed to local paleoceanographic or water-depth changes, we argue that it is the bathyal expression of a global deep-sea benthic foraminiferal change which occurred across the middle/late Eocene boundary.


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Supplement to: Miller, Kenneth G; Katz, Miriam E (1987): Eocene benthic foraminiferal biofacies of the New Jersey Transect. In: Poag, CW; Watts, AB; et al. (eds.), Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Washington (U.S. Govt. Printing Office), 95, 267-298, doi:10.2973/dsdp.proc.95.107.1987

Palavras-Chave #A. cf. dissonata; Abyssamina spp.; Age; AGE; Alabamina cf. dissonata; Anomalinoides spp.; Aragonia spp.; B. alazanensis; B. antegressa; B. callahani; B. eocenica; B. glomarchallengeri; B. grata; B. jarvisi; B. macilenta; B. semicostata; B. trinitatensis; B. tuxpamensis; Bathysiphon eocenica; Bolivina antegressa; Bulimina alazanensis; Bulimina callahani; Bulimina glomarchallengeri; Bulimina jarvisi; Bulimina macilenta; Bulimina semicostata; Bulimina trinitatensis; Bulimina tuxpamensis; Buliminella grata; C. bradyi; C. cf. pseudoperlucidus; C. grimsdalei; C. havanensis; C. laurisae; C. mundulus; C. subspiratus; C. tuxpamensis; Cassidulina havanensis; Cibicidoides bradyi; Cibicidoides cf. pseudoperlucidus; Cibicidoides grimsdalei; Cibicidoides havanensis; Cibicidoides laurisae; Cibicidoides mundulus; Cibicidoides subspiratus; Cibicidoides tuxpamensis; Clinapertina spp.; Counting >149 µm fraction; Deep Sea Drilling Project; Dentalina spp.; Depth; DEPTH, sediment/rock; DSDP; Eggerella sp.; Event; Foram bent; Foram bent agg; Foraminifera, benthic; Foraminifera, benthic agglutinated; G. capitata; G. cf. laevigata; G. cf. pyramidata; G. micra; G. pyramidata; G. subglobosa; Gaudryina cf. laevigata; Gaudryina cf. pyramidata; Gaudryina pyramidata; Gavelinella capitata; Gavelinella micra; Globocassidulina subglobosa; Gyroidinoides spp.; H. ammophila; Hanzawaia ammophila; including G. semicribrata; Including Vaginulina spp.; K. chapapotensis; K. subglabra; Karreriella chapapotensis; Karreriella subglabra; Label; Lenticulina spp.; mbsf; N. truempyi; Nonionellina spp.; Nonion spp.; Nuttallides truempyi; O. umbonatus; ODP sample designation; Oridorsalis umbonatus; Osangularia spp.; P. quinqueloba; P. renzi; Planulina renzi; Pleurostomella spp.; primitive; Pullenia quinqueloba; Q. profunda; Quadrimorphina profunda; S. aculeata; S. compressa; S. gracillima; S. spectabilis; S. subspinosa; Sample code/label; Sigmoilopsis sp.; Siphonina sp.; Siphonodosaria gracillima; sp. 1; Spiroplectammina spectabilis; Spirosigmoilinella compressa; Stilostomella subspinosa; Stylodictya aculeata; T. danvillensis; T. robertsi; Trifarina danvillensis; Trifarina sp.; Tritaxia sp.; Turrilina robertsi; U. basicordata; U. hispida; U. rippensis; Uvigerina basicordata; Uvigerina hispida; Uvigerina rippensis; V. spinosa; Vulvulina spinosa
