Abundance and biomass of planktic ciliates at time series station DYNAPROC

Autoria(s): Pérez, MT; Dolan, JR; Vidussi, Francesca; Fukai, E

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 43.251989 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: 7.517774 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 43.250130 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 7.512090 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 43.255870 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 7.520310 * DATE/TIME START: 1995-05-11T10:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1995-05-31T21:58:00




The composition and vertical distribution of planktonic ciliates within the surface layer was monitored over four diel cycles in May 95, during the JGOFS-France DYNAPROC cruise in the Ligurian Sea (NW Mediterranean). Ciliates were placed into size and trophic categories: micro- and nano-heterotrophic ciliates, mixotrophic ciliates, tintinnids and the autotrophic Mesodinium rubrum. Mixotrophic ciliates (micro and nano) represented an average of 46% of oligotrich abundance and 39% of oligotrich biomass; nano-ciliates (hetero and mixotrophic) were abundant, representing about 60 and 17% of oligotrich abundance and biomass, respectively. Tintinnid ciliates were a minor part of heterotrophic ciliates. The estimated contribution of mixotrophs to chlorophyll a concentration was modest, never exceeding 9% in discrete samples. Vertical profiles of ciliates showed that chlorophyll-containing ciliates (mixotrophs and autotrophs) were mainly concentrated and remained at the chlorophyll a maximum depth. In contrast, among heterotrophic ciliates, a portion of the population appeared to migrate from 20-30 m depth during the day to the surface at night or in the early morning. Correlation analyses of ciliate groups and phytoplankton pigments showed a strong relationship between nano-ciliates and zeaxanthin, and between chlorophyll-containing ciliates and chlorophyll a, as well as other pigments that were maximal at the chlorophyll a maximum depth. Total surface layer concentrations showed minima of ciliates during nightime/early morning hours.


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Access constraints: unrestricted


Supplement to: Pérez, MT; Dolan, JR; Vidussi, Francesca; Fukai, E (2000): Diel vertical distribution of planktonic ciliates within the surface layer of the NW Mediterranean (May 1995). Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 47(3), 479-503, doi:10.1016/S0967-0637(99)00099-0

Palavras-Chave #Biogeochemical Processes in the Oceans and Fluxes; Cil; Cil C; Cil het; Ciliates; Ciliates, biomass as carbon; Ciliates, heterotrophic; Ciliates, heterotrophic, biomass as carbon; Ciliates, mixotrophic; Ciliates, mixotrophic, biomass as carbon; Cil mixo; Cil mixo C; CTD/Rosette; CTD-RO; DEPTH, water; Depth water; DYNAPROC; DYNAPROC_107; DYNAPROC_108; DYNAPROC_109; DYNAPROC_110; DYNAPROC_112; DYNAPROC_113; DYNAPROC_116; DYNAPROC_117; DYNAPROC_119; DYNAPROC_120; DYNAPROC_128; DYNAPROC_129; DYNAPROC_131; DYNAPROC_132; DYNAPROC_133; DYNAPROC_135; DYNAPROC_137; DYNAPROC_139; DYNAPROC_140; DYNAPROC_141; DYNAPROC_248; DYNAPROC_250; DYNAPROC_251; DYNAPROC_252; DYNAPROC_254; DYNAPROC_255; DYNAPROC_257; DYNAPROC_258; DYNAPROC_259; DYNAPROC_260; DYNAPROC_269; DYNAPROC_270; DYNAPROC_272; DYNAPROC_273; DYNAPROC_275; DYNAPROC_276; DYNAPROC_278; DYNAPROC_279; DYNAPROC_281; DYNAPROC_283; HCIL C; Inverted microscopy; JGOFS; Joint Global Ocean Flux Study; Le Suroît; M. rubrum; M. rubrum C; Mesodinium rubrum; Mesodinium rubrum, biomass as carbon; PROOF; SESAME; Southern European Seas: Assessing and Modelling Ecosystem Changes
