Growth rates and skeletal density of the scleractinian cold-water coral Desmophyllum dianthus at Isla Liliguapi (Fjord Comau, southern Chile)

Autoria(s): Hassenrück, Christiane; Jantzen, Carin; Försterra, Günter; Häussermann, Verena; Willenz, Philippe

MEDIAN LATITUDE: -42.333629 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: -72.474089 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: -42.409833 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -72.598580 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: -42.162030 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -72.424333 * DATE/TIME START: 2010-05-04T13:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 2010-09-15T03:50:00




It has been hypothesized that endolithic photo-autotrophs inside the skeleton of cold-water corals may have a mutualistic relationship with the coral host positively affecting coral calcification. This study investigated the effect of endolithic photo-autotrophs on the apical septal extension of the cold-water coral Desmophyllum dianthus at Fjord Comau, southern Chile (42.41° - 42.15°S, 72.5°W). The fluorescent staining agent calcein was used to document the linear apical extension of septae for a period of one and a half years between 2006 and 2007. The results showed a severe reduction in extension rates associated with the presence of endolithic photo-autotrophs. Infested individuals grew about half as fast as non-infested polyps with a median value of 1.18 µm/day compared to 2.76 µm/day. Contrary to the initial hypothesis, these results point toward a parasitic relationship between D. dianthus and its endolithic photo-autotrophs potentially impairing coral fitness. However, further data on physiological parameters and other aspects of the calcification process are necessary to confirm these findings.


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Access constraints: unrestricted


Supplement to: Hassenrück, Christiane; Jantzen, Carin; Försterra, Günter; Häussermann, Verena; Willenz, Philippe (2013): Rates of apical septal extension of Desmophyllum dianthus: effect of association with endolithic photo-autotrophs. Marine Biology, doi:10.1007/s00227-013-2281-x

Palavras-Chave #cyano, infested by Plectonema terebrans (numbers indicate the proportion of the skeleton coloured by endolithic infestation); D. dianthus µ; D. dianthus dens; D. dianthus diam; Desmophyllum dianthus, density; Desmophyllum dianthus, diameter; Desmophyllum dianthus, growth rate; Endolith; green, infested by Ostreobium queckettii (numbers indicate the proportion of the skeleton coloured by endolithic infestation);; Infestation; Label; longitudinal, April - August 2006; longitudinal, August - December 2006; longitudinal, December 2006 - coral harvest 2007; longitudinal, January - April 2006; longitudinal, mean; Number of staining events; Sample code/label; Skeletal density inferred from greyscale values of X-ray CT-scans (density = 0.0513); Staining events; transversal, April - August 2006; transversal, August - December 2006; transversal, December 2006 - coral harvest 2007; transversal, January - April 2006; transversal, mean
