Geochemical and biogeochemical parameters of bottom sediments from the area of the Spitsbergen (Svalbard) Archipelago

Autoria(s): Lein, Alla Yu; Pimenov, Nikolay V; Savvichev, Alexander S; Pavlova, Galina A; Rusanov, Igor I; Miller, Yury M; Ivanov, Mikhail V

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 78.978742 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: 12.348681 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 78.168350 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 9.517800 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 80.295433 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 14.356200 * DATE/TIME START: 1996-08-20T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1996-08-22T00:00:00




Quantitative characteristics for rates of diagenetic processes in the upper (0-30 cm) layer of sedimentary deposits in the area of the Spitsbergen (Svalbard) Archipelago (78°-80°N) were obtained by lithologo-geochemical, radioisotope (35S, 14C), and stable isotope (d34S, d13C) studies. It was proved that rates of diagenetic processes in polar deposits at 123-395 m depth affected by the East Spitsbergen ''warm'' current are mostly determined by bioproductivity and are commensurate with rates of processes in shelf deposits of temperate latitudes. High contents of migratory methane (up to 263 ml/dm**3) and isotopically-light organic carbon (Corg, d13C = -30 per mil PDB) were found in the 1 m layer of shelf deposits (at 123 m sea depth) with low bacterial in situ production of methane. It was shown that methane is not utilized in the deposits by the methanotrophic bacterial community and it may be supplied to the water mass and, probably, to the atmosphere.


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Supplement to: Lein, Alla Yu; Pimenov, Nikolay V; Savvichev, Alexander S; Pavlova, Galina A; Rusanov, Igor I; Miller, Yury M; Ivanov, Mikhail V (2000): Geochemical features of the diagenesis of the Holocene deposits in the area of the Spitsbergen Archipelago. Translated from Okeanologiya, 2000, 40(2), 247-256, Oceanology, 40(2), 228-236

Palavras-Chave #Al; Aluminium; Archive of Ocean Data; ARCOD; Arctic Ocean; Ba; Ba/Al; Barium; Barium/Aluminium ratio; BC; BCR; Box corer; Box corer (Reineck); Br-; Bromide; Ca2+; CaCO3; Calcium carbonate; Calcium cation; Calculated; Calculated from weight loss after drying at 105°C; Carbon, organic, total; Carbon, organic total/Nitrogen, total; Carbon analyser AN-7529, 7560; Carbon assimilation rate, sediment; Carbon dioxide assimilation rate, integrated, sediment; C assr sed; CH4 fr int; CH4 fr sed; CH4 sed; Chloride; Cl-; CO2 assr int sed; d13C carb; d13C Corg; d34S Py; delta 13C, carbonate; delta 13C, organic carbon; delta 34S, pyrite; Depth; Depth, bottom/max; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Depth, top/min; Depth bot; Depth top; Eh; Eh, Pt-electrode; Event; FeS d34S; Gas chromatography; Gas volumetric; GC; Gravity corer; Greenland Sea; I-; Iodide; Iron monosulfide, delta 34S; Isfjord; Isotope ratio mass spectrometry; Magnesium cation; Methane, sediment; Methane formation rate, integrated; Methane formation rate, sediment; Methane oxidation rate, integrated; Methane oxidation rate, sediment; Mg2+; MOX int; MOX sed; Oxidation reduction (RedOx) potential; P; Phosphorus; PL15; PL15-70; PL15-74; PL15-78; PL15-81; PL15-82; Professor Logachev; Radiometric counting of introduced radioisotopes; S of FeS; S org; S Py; S reduced; SRR int sed; SRR sed; Sulfate reduction rate, depth integrated, sediment; Sulfate reduction rate, sediment; Sulfur, organic; Sulfur, total reduced; Sulfur of FeS; Sulfur of pyrite; Titration; TOC; TOC/TN; total; Water content of wet mass; Water wm; Wet chemistry; X-ray fluorescence (XRF)
