Geochemistry and isotopes at DSDP Leg 80 Holes

Autoria(s): Cunningham, Robert; Kroopnick, Peter M

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 48.880031 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: -13.298869 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 48.515200 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -13.501500 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 49.088000 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -13.098000 * DATE/TIME START: 1981-06-15T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1981-07-16T00:00:00




Thirty-eight samples from DSDP Sites 549 to 551 were analyzed for major and minor components and trace element abundances. Multivariate statistical analysis of geochemical data groups the samples into two major classes: an organic-carbon- rich group (> 1% TOC) containing high levels of marine organic matter and certain trace elements (Cu, Zn, V, Ni, Co, Ba, and Cr) and an organic-carbon-lean group depleted in these components. The greatest organic and trace metal enrichments occur in the uppermost Albian to Turanian sections of Sites 549 to 551. Carbon-isotopic values of bulk carbonate for the middle Cenomanian section of Site 550 (2.35 to 2.70 per mil) and the upper Cenomanian-Turonian sections of Sites 549 (3.35 to 4.47 per mil) and 551 (3.13 to 3.72 per mil) are similar to coeval values reported elsewhere in the region. The relatively heavy d13C values from Sites 549 and 551 indicate that this interval was deposited during the global "oceanic anoxic event" that occurred at the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary. Variation in the d18O of bulk carbonate for Section 550B-18-1 of middle Cenomanian age suggests that paleosalinity and/or paleotemperature variations may have occurred concurrently with periodic anoxia at this site. Climatically controlled increases in surface-water runoff may have caused surface waters to periodically freshen, resulting in stable salinity stratification


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Supplement to: Cunningham, Robert; Kroopnick, Peter M (1985): Inorganic and isotopic geochemistry of sediments from Sites 549 to 551, northeastern North Atlantic. In: De Graciansky, PC; Poag, CW; et al. (eds.), Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Washington (U.S. Gov. Printing Office), 80, 1073-1079, doi:10.2973/dsdp.proc.80.151.1985

Palavras-Chave ## = Analyses provided by P. C. de Graciansky; # - Maximum value from Section 80-550B-18-1; Al2O3; Aluminium oxide; Ba; Barium; CaCO3; Calcium carbonate; Calcium oxide; CaO; Carbon, organic, marine matter; Carbon, organic, total; Chromium; Co; Cobalt; Copper; Cr; Cu; d13C carb; d18O carb; Deep Sea Drilling Project; delta 13C, carbonate; delta 18O, carbonate; Depth; DEPTH, sediment/rock; DSDP; Element analyser CHN, LECO; Event; Fe2O3; ID; Identification; Iron oxide, Fe2O3; K2O; Label; Magnesium oxide; Manganese oxide; Mass spectrometer VG Micromass 602; mbsf; MgO; MnO; Na2O; Ni; Nickel; OC mar; ODP sample designation; P2O5; Phosphorus oxide; Plasma optical emission spectroscopy; Potassium oxide; Represents the percentage of total organic carbon (TOC) that is of marine origin based on optical characterization of kerogen. It is calculated as % amorphous + % algal + % round bodies; Sample code/label; Silicon dioxide; SiO2; Sodium oxide; Sr; Stage; Strontium; TiO2; Titanium oxide; TOC; V; Vanadium; Y; Yttrium; Zinc; Zn
