The hydropolyp fauna of the Red Sea area

Autoria(s): Mergner, H; Wedler, E

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 23.045254 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: 37.269796 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 12.433333 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 29.883333 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 32.000000 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 43.866667 * DATE/TIME START: 1963-03-21T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1976-05-05T00:00:00




46 hydropolyp species of 28 genera and 10 families were sampled during the "Meteor" passage 1964/65 (IIOE) through the Red Sea and its northern and southern exits and on the occasion of several ecological investigations of 29 selected coral reef sections of the central Red Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba. These collections comprise 128 single records of hydropolyp species. Three species and two genera each with one species are doubtful. 25 species, seven genera, one family and one subfamily, together from 49 records have not previously been found in the Red Sea and its exits. Including these newly reported species, the total list increases from 64 species and 112 records to 89 species and 240 single records and 51 additional ones. Scanning microscopical photos, made for the first time for the illustration of the hydropolyps, have been shown to be suitable for a better characterization and diagnosis of the species. Qualified results on the reasons for the horizontal distribution of the species known from the Red Sea area cannot be given because of the low number of samples sporadically distributed through the whole area. In contrast with this fact, the vertical spread of the species sampled seems primarily to be regulated by water exchange and light intensity. For example, four species of hydropolyps are excellent indicators of certain abiotic factors or combinations of them: Gymnangium eximium reacts extremely stenophote-photophobe-rheophil, Eudendrium ramosum moderately stenophote-photophobe-rheophobe, Lytocarpus philippinus moderately stenophote-photophil-rheophil, and Halocordyle disticha var. australis extremely stenophote-photophil but moderately rheophil. Other species have been found throughout all the light zones. Combined with the small size of their colonies their euryphotic behaviour does not allow their use as indicator species.


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Supplement to: Mergner, H; Wedler, E (1977): Über die Hydroidpolypenfauna des Roten Meeres und seiner Ausgänge. Meteor Forschungsergebnisse, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Reihe D Biologie, Gebrüder Bornträger, Berlin, Stuttgart, D24, 1-32

Palavras-Chave #A. latecarinata; A. secundaria; Agassiz Trawl; Aglaophenia latecarinata; AGT; Antenella secundaria; BC; BD; Box corer; C. aequalis; C. gravieri; C. hemisphaerica; C. humilis; C. latitheca; C. paulensis; Campanularia (Clytia) gravieri; Campanularia (Clytia) hemisphaerica; Campanularia (Clytia) latitheca; Campanularia (Clytia) paulensis; Cnidoscyphus aequalis; Cuspidella humilis; D. cornicina; D. digitalis; D. mutulata; D. quadridentata; Depth; DEPTH, sediment/rock; DEPTH, water; Depth water; Diphasia digitalis; Diphasia mutulata; DIVER; Dredge, benthos; Dynamena cornicina; Dynamena quadridentata; E. deciduum; E. ramosum; Eastern Basin; Edendrium ramosum; Eudendrium deciduum; Event; Filellum sp.; G. eximium; G. gracilicaulis; G. hians; genus questionable; Grab (Shipek); Gulf of Aden; Gymnangium eximium; Gymnangium gracilicaulis; Gymnangium hians; H. beanii; H. disticha; H. glutinosa; H. parasitica; H. venusta; Halecium beanii; Halecium sp.; Halocordyle disticha; Halopteris glutinosa; Hebella parasitica; Hebella venusta; Hydractinata echinata; Hydropolyp; IIOE - International Indian Ocean Expedition; Indian Ocean Standard Net; IOSN; L. (Obelia) bicuspidata; L. (Obelia) dichotoma; L. balei; L. philippinus; Laomedea (Obelia) bicuspidata; Laomedea (Obelia) dichotoma; Lytocarpus balei; Lytocarpus philippinus; M1; M1_008; M1_019; M1_021; M1_031; M1_054; M1_063; M1_065; M1_067; M1_068; M1_070; M1_075; M1_076; M1_NET021; Meteor (1964); N. ramosa; Nemertesia ramosa; P. mirabilis; P. setacea; P. wasini; Plumularia setacea; Plumularia wasini; Pycnothea mirabilis; Red_Sea; Red_Sea_001; Red_Sea_003; Red_Sea_005; Red_Sea_006; Red_Sea_007; Red_Sea_008; Red_Sea_010; Red_Sea_028; Red_Sea_029; Red Sea; S. bedoti; S. campanulata; S. echinata; S. elegans; S. ligulata; S. mediterranea; S. minima; S. natalensis; S. polyzonias; S. secunda; S. trigonostoma; Sampling by diver; Sertularella campanulata; Sertularella mediterranea; Sertularella natalensis; Sertularella polyzonias; Sertularia ligulata; Sertularia trigonostoma; SHIPEK; Solanderia minima; Solanderia secunda; Spaerocoryne bedoti; species questionable; Synthecium elegans; T. flexuosus; T. fruticosus; Thecocarpus flexuosus; Thyroscyphus fruticosus; TRAWL; Trawl net; var. australis; var. balei; var. flexuosus; var. pulmularoides; Z. armata; Zygophylax armata
