Isotopic composition of the fine fraction of ODP Site 114-704

Autoria(s): Mead, Gregory; Hodell, David A; Müller, Daniel W; Ciesielski, Paul F

MEDIAN LATITUDE: -46.879167 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: 7.420750 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: -46.880000 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 7.420500 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: -46.879000 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 7.420800 * DATE/TIME START: 1987-04-25T13:30:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1987-05-03T10:14:00




Ocean Drilling Program Site 704 in the subantarctic South Atlantic was drilled to investigate the response of the Southern Ocean to climatic and Oceanographic developments during the late Neogene. Stable oxygen and carbon isotopes of fine-fraction (<63 µm) carbonate were analyzed to supplement similar analyses of benthic and planktonic foraminifers. The fine fraction is generally composed primarily of coccoliths, and isotopic analyses of the fine fraction were made to complement the foraminiferal analyses. The isotopic curves thus generated suggest paleoceanographic changes not recognizable by the use of benthic and planktonic foraminifers alone. The global Chron 6 carbon isotope shift, found at 253-244 mbsf (6.39-6.0 Ma) at Site 704 in the planktonic and benthic record, is seen in the fine-fraction d13C record as a gradual decrease from 255 mbsf (6.44 Ma) to 210 mbsf (4.24 Ma). At 170 mbsf, mean d18O values of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma increase by 0.6 per mil-0.7 per mil (Hodell and Ciesielski, 1991, doi:10.2973/, reflecting decreased temperature and increased continental ice volume. Accumulation rates increase by 3.3 times above this depth (which corresponds to an age of 2.5 Ma), suggesting increased upwelling and biologic productivity. Carbon isotopic values of fine-fraction carbonate decrease by about 1.5 per mil at 2.6 Ma; however, no change is recorded in the d13C of N. pachyderma. The fine-fraction d13C shift slightly precedes an average l per mil decrease in d13C in benthic foraminifers. The cause of the benthic d13C shift (most likely due to a change in deep water circulation; Hodell and Ciesielski, 1991) is probably not directly related to the fine-fraction shift. The fine-fraction shift is most likely caused by (1) a change in the upwelling to productivity ratio at this site, with increased upwelling bringing lighter carbon to surface waters, more productivity, and higher sedimentation rates and (2) a change in the particle composition of the fine fraction. The increased upwelling is probably due to a northward migration of the Antarctic Polar Front to a position nearer Site 704.


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Supplement to: Mead, Gregory; Hodell, David A; Müller, Daniel W; Ciesielski, Paul F (1991): Fine-fraction carbonate oxygen and carbon isotope results from Site 704: implications for movement of the polar front during the late Pliocene. In: Ciesielski, PF; Kristoffersen, Y; et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 114, 437-458, doi:10.2973/

Palavras-Chave #114-704A; 114-704B; Age; AGE; calcareous; Calculated; d13C carb; d18O carb; Dd13C; Dd18O; delta 13C, carbonate; delta 18O, carbonate; Delta delta 13C; Delta delta 18O; Depth; DEPTH, sediment/rock; difference between methods; DRILL; Drilling/drill rig; Event; Foram; Foraminifera; Joides Resolution; Leg114; Mass spectrometer VG Prism; methanol dried; Micrite; Nannofossils; Nannos; Ocean Drilling Program; ODP; ODP sample designation; Sample code/label; South Atlantic Ocean; water dried
