Stable carbon isotope record of Bahama Bank sediments

Autoria(s): Swart, Peter K; Eberli, Gregor P

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 24.525278 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: -79.278129 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 24.399850 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -79.459200 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 24.641200 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -79.107000 * DATE/TIME START: 1996-02-28T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1996-04-08T00:00:00




The carbon-isotopic composition (d13C) of bulk carbonates, obtained from a transect of sites drilled through platform and periplatform sediments of Holocene to Early Miocene age, has been compared to ascertain whether changes in the d13C can be correlated between sediments of equivalent ages and whether such changes can be related to global changes in the d13C of the dissolved inorganic carbon in the oceans over this time period. Five of the sites were drilled during Leg 166 of the Ocean Drilling Project (1003-1007) in a transect ranging from five km to 25 km away from the platform margin and penetrating sediments of Holocene to Oligocene age that are contained in 17 depositional sequences (A-Q). Two shallow-water sites, Clino and Unda were situated on a extension of the same transect on Great Bahama Bank in a water depth of 10-15 m. With the exception of Unda and Clino, the d13C of the carbonates ranges from +5 per mil in the younger sequences to +1 per mil in the Early Miocene. In each of the sites, the d13C is strongly positively correlated with the percentage of aragonite. As a consequence, the d13C of sequences A through F is strongly correlated, reflecting the decreasing amount of aragonite with increasing depth. In the two platform sites, the d13C is significantly lower in the younger portions of the cores as a result of the influences of meteoric diagenesis during repeated exposure during the Pleistocene. Although the d13C of the individual sequences can be correlated in most instances between the ODP holes, the changes are not related to global changes in the d13C of the oceans which in contrast to the d13C of the platform sediments become isotopically lower towards the present day. Instead variations in the d13C appear to be related to varying mixtures of d13C-rich banktop sediments and pelagic material.


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CC-BY: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

Access constraints: unrestricted


Supplement to: Swart, Peter K; Eberli, Gregor P (2005): The nature of the d13C of periplatform sediments: Implications for stratigraphy and the global carbon cycle. Sedimentary Geology, 175(1-4), 115-129, doi:10.1016/j.sedgeo.2004.12.029

Palavras-Chave #166-1003; 166-1004; 166-1005; 166-1006; 166-1007; Age; AGE; Bahamas; CDRILL; CLINO; COMPCORE; Composite Core; Core drilling; d13C carb; d13C std dev; delta 13C, carbonate; delta 13C, standard deviation; Event; Joides Resolution; Layer; Layer description; Leg166; Mass spectrometer Finnigan MAT 251; North Atlantic Ocean; Ocean Drilling Program; ODP; of Eberli et al. (2002); UNDA
