Mid-Pliocene diatom and palynological assemblages north-northeast of Cape Adare, Antarctica

Autoria(s): Fleming, R Farley; Barron, John A

LATITUDE: -68.996800 * LONGITUDE: 173.427300 * DATE/TIME START: 1973-02-16T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1973-02-16T00:00:00




Microfossil assemblages in Pliocene sediments from DSDP Site 274 (68°59.81'S, 173°2564'E) provide data on the age of the sediments and suggest the presence of Nothofagus (southern beach) in Antarctica during the Pliocene. A suite of 17 samples was collected in an interval from Samples 28-274-6R-1, 83-87 cm to 28-274-11R-4, 73-77 cm (48.33-100.29 mbsf). Biostratigraphic study of the abundant diatom assemblages combined with published radiolarian data indicates that the sample interval ranges in age from 5.0 to 2.2 Ma, with an apparent unconformity between about 3.8 and 3.2 Ma. Nothofagidites (the genus for fossil pollen referable to Nothofagus) occurs throughout the interval, as well as pollen and spores with known stratigraphic ranges that unequivocally indicate reworking from older rocks. Species of Nothofagidites recovered include N. asperus, N. brachyspinulosus, N. flemingii, N. senectus, and N. sp. cf. N. lachlaniae; the latter form is previously known from the Sirius Group in the Transantarctic Mountains. Abundant palynomorphs were recovered in only three of the samples from Site 274 (Samples 28-274-9R-2,15-19 cm; 28-274-9R-2,48-52 cm; and 28-274-9R-2,65-69 cm). Based on the diatom and radiolarian biostratigraphic data, the ages of these samples range from 3.00 to 3.01 Ma. The relative abundance of N. sp. cf. N. lachlaniae in the three samples is an order of magnitude higher than relative abundances for the other species of Nothofagidites in the same samples. The signiticantly higher relative abundance of N. sp. cf. N. luchlaniae suggests that this pollen was derived from trees of Nothofugus that were living in Antarctica during the mid Pliocene. Diatom assemblages from these three samples indicate that sediments in this interval were rapidly deposited as biogenic oozes in an open-ocean setting relatively free of sea ice, thus decreasing the possibility of reworking from a single source bed rich in N. sp. cf. N. lachlaniae. Clearly, more detailed work in additional well-dated cores from around Antarctica is needed before a clear picture of the Neogene history of Antarctic terrestrial vegetation emerges.


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Supplement to: Fleming, R Farley; Barron, John A (1996): Evidence of Pliocene Abthofagus in Antarctica from Pliocene marine sedimentary deposits (DSDP Site 274). Marine Micropaleontology, 27(1-4), 227-236, doi:10.1016/0377-8398(95)00062-3

Palavras-Chave #28-274; A. actinochilus; A. asteroides; A. australis; A. dimorphus; A. ingens; Abund; Abundance; Actinocyclus actinochilus; Actinocyclus dimorphus; Actinocyclus ingens; Age; AGE; Antarctic Ocean/CONT RISE; Araucariacites australis; Asteromphalus sp.; Asteropollis asteroides; barren = no palynomorphs recovered, spares = palynomorphs present but slide too sparse for counting, good = palynomorph assemblage recovered that is adequate for counting; cf. N. arcula; cf. R. micraulaxus; cf. T. antarctica; Chaetoceros spores; Chaet spores; Coptospora sp.; D. tuberculatus; Deep Sea Drilling Project; Depth; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Diatom rew; Diatoms; Diatoms, reworked; Dilwynites tuberculatus; DRILL; Drilling/drill rig; DSDP; E. antarctica; Eucampia antarctica; Glomar Challenger; L. verrucatus; Label; Label 2; Leg28; Leptolepidites verrucatus; M. antarcticus; Microcachryidites antarcticus; N. asperus; N. barronii; N. brachispinulosa; N. curta; N. curta - N. cylindrica; N. flemingii; N. interfrigidaria; N. lachlaniae; N. ritscheri; N. senectus; Nitzschia barronii; Nitzschia curta; Nitzschia interfrigidaria; Nitzschia ritscheri; Nitzschia sp.; Nitzschia spp.; Nothofagidites asperus; Nothofagidites brachispinulosa; Nothofagidites flemingii; Nothofagidites lachlaniae; Nothofagidites senectus; Nothofagidites sp.; Nothofagidites spp.; ODP sample designation; P. mawsonii; P. parvus; P. sulcata; Paralia sulcata; Phyllocladidites mawsonii; Pollen indet; Pollen indeterminata; Pollen tot; Pollen total; Proteacidites parvus; Rhizosolenia spp.; Rouxia spp.; Rugulatisporites sp.; Sample code/label; Sample code/label 2; Spores indet; Spores indeterminata; Stellarima spp.; Stephanopyxis spp.; T. asperimarginatus; T. inura; T. kolbei; T. longissima; T. nitzschioides; T. oestrupii; T. oliverana; T. torokina; T. vulnifica; Thalassionema nitzschioides; Thalassiosira insigna; Thalassiosira inura; Thalassiosira kolbei; Thalassiosira oestrupii; Thalassiosira oliverana; Thalassiosira sp.; Thalassiosira spp.; Thalassiosira torokina; Thalassiosira vulnifica; Thalassiothrix longissima; Tricolpites asperimarginatus; Tricolpites sp.; U.S. Geological Survey Palynology Sample Number; var. 1 of Truswell (1983); var. 4 of Truswell (1983); Z. insigna
