Meteorological measurements from the Fourcade and Polar Club Glacier, Warszawa Icefield, King George Island, West Antarctica

Autoria(s): Falk, Ulrike; Sala, Hernán

MEDIAN LATITUDE: -62.229938 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: -58.609784 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: -62.237680 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -58.633600 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: -62.201580 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -58.582890 * DATE/TIME START: 2010-11-17T16:10:00 * DATE/TIME END: 2013-02-19T17:20:00




The South Shetland Islands are located at the northern tip of the AP which is among the fastest warming regions on Earth. The islands are especially vulnerable to climate change due to their exposure to transient low-pressure systems and their maritime climate. Surface air temperature increases (2.5K in 50 years) are concurrent with retreating glacier fronts, an increase in melt areas, ice surface lowering and rapid break-up and disintegration of ice shelves. We have compiled a unique meteorological data set for the King George Island (KGI)/Isla 25 de Mayo, the largest of the South Shetland Islands. It comprises high-temporal resolution and spatially distributed observations of surface air temperature, wind directions and wind velocities, as well as glacier ice temperatures in profile with a fully equipped automatic weather station on the Warszawa Icefield, from November 2010 and ongoing. In combination with two long-term synoptic datasets (40 and 10 years, respectively) and NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data, we have looked at changes in the climatological drivers of the glacial melt processes, and the sensitivity of the inland ice cap with regard to winter melting periods and pressure anomalies. The analysis has revealed, a positive trend of 5K over four decades in minimum surface air temperatures for winter months, clearly exceeding the published annual mean statistics, associated to a decrease in mean monthly winter sea level pressure. This concurs with a positive trend in the Southern Annular Mode (SAM) index, which gives a measure for the strength and extension of the Antarctic vortex. We connect this trend with a higher frequency of low-pressure systems hitting the South Shetland Islands during austral winter, bringing warm and moist air masses from lower latitudes. Due to its exposure to the impact of transient synoptic weather systems, the ice cap of KGI is especially vulnerable to changes during winter glacial mass accumulation period. A revision of seasonal changes in adiabatic air temperature lapse rates and their dependency on exposure and elevation has shown a clear decoupling of atmospheric surface layers between coastal areas and the higher-elevation ice cap, showing the higher sensitivity to free atmospheric flow and synoptic changes. Observed surface air temperature lapse rates show a high variability during winter months (standard deviations up to ±1.0K/100 m), and a distinct spatial variability reflecting the impact of synoptic weather patterns. The observed advective conditions bringing warm, moist air with high temperatures and rain, lead to melt conditions on the ice cap, fixating surface air temperatures to the melting point. This paper assesses the impact of large-scale atmospheric circulation variability and climatic changes on the atmospheric surface layer and glacier mass accumulation of the upper ice cap during winter season for the Warszawa Icefield on KGI.


application/zip, 11 datasets








CC-BY: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

Access constraints: unrestricted


Supplement to: Falk, Ulrike; Sala, Hernán (2015): Winter melt conditions of the inland ice cap on King George Island, Antarctic Peninsula. Erdkunde, 69(4), 341-363, doi:10.3112/erdkunde.2015.04.04

Palavras-Chave #10 min average; 10 min average, at 150 cm above ground; 10 min average, sensor 1, at 142 cm above ground; 10 min average, sensor 2, at 250 cm above ground; Adiabatic temperature lapse rate, low; Adiabatic temperature lapse rate, up; Alpine wind monitor, R.M. Young, model 05108-45; Barometric pressure sensor, R.M. Young, model 61302V; Battery terminal voltage; Calculated; calculated as -Height above ground - Depth, relative; Date/Time; DATE/TIME; dd; dd std dev; DEPTH, ice/snow; Depth, relative; Depth ice/snow; Depth rel; Distance to ground level (initial distance to be substracted) derived from SR50A measurements; ff; ff std; Height; HEIGHT above ground; here defined as the decrease of temperature with elevation (positive); Humidity, relative; Humidity, relative, standard deviation; Humidity-Temperature probe, Vaisala, HMP155A; IMCOAST/IMCONet; Impact of climate induced glacier melt on marine coastal systems, Antarctica; Lapse rate low; Lapse rate up; PPPP; PPPP std; Pressure, atmospheric; Pressure, atmospheric, standard deviation; RH; RH std; sample; t; Temperature, air; Temperature, air, standard deviation; Temperature, ice/snow; Temperature, ice/snow, standard deviation; Thermistor soil temperature probe 107, Campbell Scientific; t std dev; TTT; TTT std dev; Vbat; Wind direction; Wind direction, standard deviation; Wind speed; Wind speed, standard deviation
