Preclinical evaluation of proteasome inhibition for the treatment of prostate cancer

Autoria(s): Williams, Simon Alexander



Prostatic carcinoma is the most prevalent cancer detected in men. Bortezomib is the first proteasome inhibitor to undergo clinical trials for several forms of cancer. Although we know this class of agent preferentially kills cancer cells, our knowledge of proteasome inhibition mechanisms of induced death is far from complete. We investigated the effects of bortezomib on the LNCaP-Pro5 (Pro5) and PC-3-Pro4 (Pro4) human prostatic adenocarcinoma cells lines. We showed a reduction in proliferation and an increase in DNA fragmentation, caspase 3 activity, and cell surface phosphatidyl serine exposure. The bortezomib-treated tumors from both cell lines were dramatically reduced, and apoptosis was induced. There was also a reduction in proliferation in the treated tumors from both cells lines. We looked at changes in the levels of the proangiogenic factors VEGF, IL-8 and bFGF in vitro and in vivo. Although there was a reduction in the levels of VEGF produced by the Pro5 cell line and tumor due to bortezomib, no similar observations were made for the other angiogenic factors or in the Pro4 cells. We investigated the effects of bortezomib on p53 in the Pro5 cell line. Bortezomib induced strong stabilization of p53. It did not promote phosphorylation on serines 15 and 24 and p53 remained bound to its inhibitor, mdm2. Nonetheless, confocal microscopy revealed that bortezomib stimulated p53 translocation to the nucleus and enhanced p53 DNA binding, accumulation of p53-dependant transcripts, and activation of a p53-responsive reporter gene. Furthermore, stable transfectants of LNCaP-Pro5 expressing the p53 inhibitor, HPV-E6, displayed reduced bortezomib-induced p53 activation and cell death. Our data shows bortezomib to induce antitumor effects in the human Pro4 and Pro5 prostatic adenocarcinoma cell lines by the direct induction of apoptosis. The drug also causes a reduction in cell proliferation and mean vessel density while modulating the secretion of proangiogenic factors. Although we show that proteasome inhibition stimulates p53 activation via a novel mechanism in Pro5 cells, it is also toxic to p53 null cells as is seen in the Pro4 line. ^





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Palavras-Chave #Health Sciences, Oncology
