La strategia BIM a supporto del progetto della sicurezza nel cantiere edile: il caso dell'ospedale di primo soccorso a Lampedusa.

Autoria(s): Tortorella, Giulia

Bragadin, Marco Alvise





Throughout this research, the whole life cycle of a building will be analyzed, with a special focus on the most common issues that affect the construction sector nowadays, such as safety. In fact, the goal is to enhance the management of the entire construction process in order to reduce the risk of accidents. The contemporary trend is that of researching new tools capable of reducing, or even eliminating, the most common mistakes that usually lead to safety risks. That is one of the main reasons why new technologies and tools have been introduced in the field. The one we will focus on is the so-called BIM: Building Information Modeling. With the term BIM we refer to wider and more complex analysis tool than a simple 3D modeling software. Through BIM technologies we are able to generate a multi-dimension 3D model which contains all the information about the project. This innovative approach aims at a better understanding and control of the project by taking into consideration the entire life cycle and resulting in a faster and more sustainable way of management. Furthermore, BIM software allows for the sharing of all the information among the different aspects of the project and among the different participants involved thus improving the cooperation and communication. In addition, BIM software utilizes smart tools that simulate and visualize the process in advance, thus preventing issues that might not have been taking into consideration during the design process. This leads to higher chances of avoiding risks, delays and cost increases. Using a hospital case study, we will apply this approach for the completion of a safety plan, with a special focus onto the construction phase.




Tortorella, Giulia (2014) La strategia BIM a supporto del progetto della sicurezza nel cantiere edile: il caso dell'ospedale di primo soccorso a Lampedusa. [Laurea specialistica a ciclo unico], Università di Bologna, Corso di Studio in Ingegneria edile/ architettura [TU-DM509] <>




Palavras-Chave #BIM, Safety, Design for safety, Building Information Modeling, Interoperability, Navisworks, Revit, Sicurezza, PSC, Cantiere #Ingegneria edile/ architettura [TU-DM509] #cds :: 0067 :: Ingegneria edile/ architettura [TU-DM509] #sessione :: seconda






Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna