La tutela penale ambientale e la nozione di rifiuto fra istanze soprannazionali ed approdi nostrani

Autoria(s): Guccione, Gwendoline

Mazzacuva, Nicola




Il presente lavoro si prefigge di indagare come la produzione normativa comunitaria abbia influenzato il diritto penale nazionale fino a delineare i tratti di un diritto penale di matrice europea. Ai fini dell’individuazione dei rapporti intercorrenti tra i due sistemi, è stata prescelta come chiave di lettura trasversale la materia ambientale: accanto al meccanismo di influenza riflessa, è da ravvisare come proprio in tale ambito si sia sviluppata l’evoluzione di un possibile diritto penale europeo e, dunque, di una esplicita influenza dell’ordinamento sovrannazionale nelle scelte di criminalizzazione nazionali. The present work aims at investigating how the Community legislation has influenced the national criminal law to the point of delineating the features of a criminal law of European origin. In order to identify the relationship between the two systems, the environmental has been chosen as the cross-reading key: in addition to the mechanism of reflected influence, it is precisely in this area that a European criminal law has been developed and, therefore, an explicit influence of the supranational legal order in the domestic choices of criminalization has been implemented.

In Chapter I, after having briefly analyzed the concept of environment, the steps of the gradual recognition of a still limited punitive power of the European Union are retraced. More specifically we explore: firstly the various forms of influence that the supranational legislation exerts on the Italian criminal justice system, with particular regard to the so called “triadic conflicts”; secondly the ruling of the Court of Justice, 13 September 2005, Case C-176/03, where it is stated the Community legislative competence in criminal matters, including the possibility of an express request for criminal protection by means of directives; subsequently, the Directive 2008/99/EC of 19 November 2008 on the protection of the environment through criminal law, which, by requiring Member States to introduce into their national criminal systems some criminal offenses so to enforce more effectively the environmental protection, can been seen as the synthesis between the expansionist pressures from the European Commission and the conservative ones from the Council, as well as also a place of mediation among the different models of indictment in force in the various national systems, providing a minimum common denominator of protection of supranational source;then, the changes introduced by the Legislative Decree of 7 July 2011 n. 121, that transposes the Directive in question, and, lastly, the characteristics of the environmental crime and some issues related to the technique of indictment adopted.





Guccione, Gwendoline (2013) La tutela penale ambientale e la nozione di rifiuto fra istanze soprannazionali ed approdi nostrani, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. Dottorato di ricerca in Diritto e processo penale <>, 24 Ciclo. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsdottorato/6007.




Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna




Palavras-Chave #IUS/17 Diritto penale

Tesi di dottorato
