Biomechanics of sprint running: a methodological contribution

Autoria(s): Bergamini, Elena

Cappozzo, Aurelio

Skalli, Wafa




Sports biomechanics describes human movement from a performance enhancement and an injury reduction perspective. In this respect, the purpose of sports scientists is to support coaches and physicians with reliable information about athletes’ technique. The lack of methods allowing for in-field athlete evaluation as well as for accurate joint force estimates represents, to date, the main limitation to this purpose. The investigations illustrated in the present thesis aimed at providing a contribution towards the development of the above mentioned methods. Two complementary approaches were adopted: a Low Resolution Approach – related to performance assessment – where the use of wearable inertial measurement units is exploited during different phases of sprint running, and a High Resolution Approach – related to joint kinetics estimate for injury prevention – where subject-specific, non-rigid constraints for knee joint kinematic modelling used in multi-body optimization techniques are defined. Results obtained using the Low Resolution Approach indicated that, due to their portability and inexpensiveness, inertial measurement systems are a valid alternative to laboratory-based instrumentation for in-field performance evaluation of sprint running. Using acceleration and angular velocity data, the following quantities were estimated: trunk inclination and angular velocity, instantaneous horizontal velocity and displacement of a point approximating the centre of mass, and stride and support phase durations. As concerns the High Resolution Approach, results indicated that the length of the anterior cruciate and lateral collateral ligaments decreased, while that of the deep bundle of the medial collateral ligament increased significantly during flexion. Variations of the posterior cruciate and the superficial bundle of the medial collateral ligament lengths were concealed by the experimental indeterminacy. A mathematical model was provided that allowed the estimate of subject-specific ligament lengths as a function of knee flexion and that can be integrated in a multi-body optimization procedure.





Bergamini, Elena (2011) Biomechanics of sprint running: a methodological contribution , [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. Dottorato di ricerca in Bioingegneria <>, 23 Ciclo. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsdottorato/3541.




Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna




Palavras-Chave #ING-INF/06 Bioingegneria elettronica e informatica

Tesi di dottorato
