Smart Sensors For Interoperable Smart Environment

Autoria(s): Bartolini, Sara

Salmon Cinotti, Tullio




Smart Environments are currently considered a key factor to connect the physical world with the information world. A Smart Environment can be defined as the combination of a physical environment, an infrastructure for data management (called Smart Space), a collection of embedded systems gathering heterogeneous data from the environment and a connectivity solution to convey these data to the Smart Space. With this vision, any application which takes advantages from the environment could be devised, without the need to directly access to it, since all information are stored in the Smart Space in a interoperable format. Moreover, according to this vision, for each entity populating the physical environment, i.e. users, objects, devices, environments, the following questions can be arise: “Who?”, i.e. which are the entities that should be identified? “Where?” i.e. where are such entities located in physical space? and “What?” i.e. which attributes and properties of the entities should be stored in the Smart Space in machine understandable format, in the sense that its meaning has to be explicitly defined and all the data should be linked together in order to be automatically retrieved by interoperable applications. Starting from this the location detection is a necessary step in the creation of Smart Environments. If the addressed entity is a user and the environment a generic environment, a meaningful way to assign the position, is through a Pedestrian Tracking System. In this work two solution for these type of system are proposed and compared. One of the two solution has been studied and developed in all its aspects during the doctoral period. The work also investigates the problem to create and manage the Smart Environment. The proposed solution is to create, by means of natural interactions, links between objects and between objects and their environment, through the use of specific devices, i.e. Smart Objects





Bartolini, Sara (2010) Smart Sensors For Interoperable Smart Environment, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. Dottorato di ricerca in Ingegneria elettronica, informatica e delle telecomunicazioni <>, 22 Ciclo. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsdottorato/2576.




Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna




Palavras-Chave #ING-INF/05 Sistemi di elaborazione delle informazioni

Tesi di dottorato
