Mineralogia da fração argila dos solos do Planalto Ocidental Paulista

Autoria(s): Silva, Laércio Santos

Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)






Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)

Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV

A diversidade geológica do Planalto condicionou a formação de diversos solos, predominando na fração argila caulinita, óxidos e hidróxidos de ferro e gibbsita. Entre estes, os óxidos e hidróxidos de ferro e a gibbsita são considerados pedoindicadores ambientais na região tropical. Desta forma, os objetivos desta pesquisa foram: i) caracterizar os óxidos de ferro pedogênicos formados a partir de compartimentos geológicos com baixos e altos teores de ferro total do Planalto Ocidental Paulista e associá-los com o grau de dissecação da paisagem; ii) caracterizar os óxidos de ferro dos solos do Planalto Ocidental Paulista por espectroscopia de reflectância difusa. Baseado nas informações geológicas, geomorfológica e na amplitude de variação dos teores de ferro pedogênicos (Fed e Feo). Foram coletadas doze amostras de solo na profundidade de 0,0 – 0,2 m para caracterização mineralógica e espectral. A magnitude dos teores totais obtida pela digestão com ácido sulfúrico evidenciou a diferença do material de origem, geologia, intensidade de pedogênese e geomorfologia. Nos solos da Formação Vale do Rio do Peixe predominaram a mineralogia caulinítica, enquanto na Formação Serra Geral, hematítica. Os atributos granulométricos, químicos e mineralógicos foram influenciados pelo grau de dissecação dos solos do Planalto Ocidental Paulista. O comportamento espectral das regiões em diferentes estágios de dissecação, foram diferentes na faixa espectral dos óxidos (530 a 570 nm) e caulinita (1880 a 2380 nm). A caulinita foi melhor pedoindicador para caracterizar a paisagem em diferentes estágios de dissecação nos solos de arenito, enquanto que a hematita e goethita foram melhores pedoindicadores para caracterizar a paisagem em diferentes estágios de dissecação nos solos basalto. Esse resultado pode auxiliar na compreensão da evolução da paisagem e do solo em outras bacias sedimentares.

The geological diversity of Plateau conditioned the formation of various soils, predominantly kaolinite in the clay fraction, iron oxides and hydroxides and gibbsite. Among these, the oxides and hydroxides of iron and gibbsite are considered environmental pedoindicadores in the tropical region. Thus, aimed to The geological diversity of Plateau conditioned the formation of various soils, predominantly kaolinite in the clay fraction, iron oxides and hydroxides and gibbsite. Among these, the oxides and hydroxides of iron and gibbsite are considered environmental pedoindicadores in the tropical region. Thus, aimed to characterize the oxides and hydroxides of iron (hematite and goethite), kaolinite and gibbsite Western Paulista Plateau and associate them with the landscape of the state of play in different environments with total iron content. Based on geological, geomorphological and amplitude variation of pedogenic iron levels (Fed and Feo). Twelve soil samples were collected at a depth 0.0 to 0.2 m for mineralogical and spectral characterization. The magnitude of the total contents obtained by digestion with sulfuric acid showed the difference in the source material, geology, geomorphology and pedogenesis intensity. In soils Training Fish River Valley predominated kaolinitic mineralogy, while the Serra Geral Formation, hematítica. The granulometric, chemical and mineralogical attributes were influenced by the degree of dissection of the Western Paulista Plateau soil. The spectral behavior of the regions at different stages of dissection were different in the spectral range of oxides (530 to 570 nm) and kaolinite (1880 to 2380 nm). The kaolinite was better environmental indicators to characterize the landscape in different stages of dissection in sandy soils, whereas hematite and goethite were better environmental indicators to characterize the landscape at different stages of dissection in basalt soils. This result may help to understand the evolution of the landscape and soil in other sedimentary basins. the oxides and hydroxides of iron (hematite and goethite), kaolinite and gibbsite Western Paulista Plateau and associate them with the landscape of the state of play in different environments with total iron content. Based on geological, geomorphological and amplitude variation of pedogenic iron levels (Fed and Feo). Twelve soil samples were collected at a depth 0.0 to 0.2 m for mineralogical and spectral characterization. The magnitude of the total contents obtained by digestion with sulfuric acid showed the difference in the source material, geology, geomorphology and pedogenesis intensity. In soils Training Fish River Valley predominated kaolinitic mineralogy, while the Serra Geral Formation, hematítica. The granulometric, chemical and mineralogical attributes were influenced by the degree of dissection of the Western Paulista Plateau soil. The spectral behavior of the regions at different stages of dissection were different in the spectral range of oxides (530 to 570 nm) and kaolinite (1880 to 2380 nm). The kaolinite was better environmental indicators to characterize the landscape in different stages of dissection in sandy soils, whereas hematite and goethite were better environmental indicators to characterize the landscape at different stages of dissection in basalt soils. This result may help to understand the evolution of the landscape and soil in other sedimentary basins.







Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)



Palavras-Chave #Difração de raio-X #Geomorfologia #Pedogênese #Reflectância difusa #X-ray diffraction #Geomorphology #Pedogenesis #Diffuse reflectance
