Push-out bond strength of calcium hydroxide and mineral trioxide aggregate based sealers

Autoria(s): Bier, Carlos Alexandre de Souza; Rosa, Ricardo Abreu da; Só, Marcus Vinicius Reis; Tanomaru, Juliane Maria Guerreiro; Tanomaru Filho, Mário

Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)






The adhesiveness of six root canal sealers: Acroseal, Endo CPM, Epiphany, White MTA, Sealapex and Sealer 26 to dentin, was evaluated in a push-out test design. Methods: Twenty eight roots of freshly extracted teeth were gauged with a size 5 Largo drill. With a cutting machine slices of 2 mm were prepared, rinsed with 5.25% NaOCl and a final rinse with 17% EDTA, dried and filled with one of the sealers. After setting their bond strength was measured in a mechanical testing machine. The data were statistically analyzed by using a One Way ANOVA and post hoc Tukey test. Results: The mean and standard deviation from values of bond strength was: Sealapex 2.2±0.4; Endo CPM 3.8±1.3; White MTA 6.0±1.4; Epiphany 10.9±2.6; Sealer 26 12.3±2.3; and Acroseal 12.2±1.4. Acroseal, Sealer 26 and Epiphany presented a significantly (P<0.01) greater bond strength compared with the other sealers. Also White MTA showed higher adhesiveness compared with Endo CPM and Sealapex (P<0.01). Conclusion: The bond strength between endodontic sealers and root dentin was maximal when Acroseal, Sealer 26 and Epiphany were used; Sealapex e Endo CPM, in turn, presented the lowest bond strength mean values.

Avaliar a adesividade de seis cimentos endodônticos à dentina radicular (Acroseal, Endo CPM, Epiphany, MTA branco, Sealapex e Sealer 26). Metodologia: Vinte e oito dentes morradiculares foram preparados com uma broca largo #5. Fatias com 2 mm de espessura foram preparadas, irrigadas com NaOCl 5.25% e com EDTA 17% EDTA, secadas e obturadas com um dos cimentos testados. Após tomarem presa, a resistência adesiva dos cimentos à dentina radicular foi mensurada em uma máquina de ensaios universal. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente usando ANOVA 1-fator e teste de Tukey. Resultados: O Acroseal (12.2±1.4), Sealer 26 (12.3±2.3) e Epiphany (10.9±2.6) apresentaram maior resistência adesiva que os demais cimentos (P<0,01). Ainda, o MTA branco (6.0±1.4) apresentou maior adesividade quando comparado com o EndoCPM (3.8±1.3) e o Sealapex (2.2±0.4) (P<0,01). Conclusão: A composição dos cimentos endodônticos influencia a adesão destes à dentina radicular. A resistência adesiva alcançada pelos cimentos Acroseal, Sealer 26 e Epiphany à dentina radicular foi superior àquela obtida pelo MTA branco, Endo COM e Sealapex





Revista Odonto Ciência, v. 27, n. 4, p. 320-324, 2012.







Revista Odonto Ciência



Palavras-Chave #Endodontics #Dental bonding #Root canal filling materials #Endodontia #Adesão dentária #Materiais restauradores do canal radicular
