O conceito de sustentabilidade e estratégia empresarial: o caso da Natura na Amazônia

Autoria(s): SUZUKI, Gilberto Takashi

COSTA, Francisco de Assis







Estudo de caso da empresa Natura, unidade fabril localizado no município de Benevides, Pa. O trabalho objetivou analisar o conceito de sustentabilidade e estratégia empresarial aplicada pela empresa Natura. A pesquisa teve caráter descritivo e nível de análise organizacional. Utilizou-se como fontes de evidências, materiais de arquivos disponibilizados pela web, transcrições de entrevistas, relatórios anuais. A pesquisa permitiu identificar que a empresa optou pela valorização da economia regional, buscando parcerias profissionais com cooperativas. Desta forma, entende-se que a empresa trabalha o conceito de sustentabilidade, ao estabelecer parcerias com pequenos agricultores. Conclui-se nesta pesquisa, que a empresa também recebe benefícios ao estabelecer-se próximo à fonte de matéria prima, como economia de custos de transporte. Por ser a primeira empresa de grande porte no segmento de perfumaria, a estabelecer-se na região amazônica, a empresa tem uma vantagem competitiva ao manter um contato com os agricultores familiares e utilizando-se de uma imagem de sustentabilidade como ferramenta de marketing.

ABSTRACT: Case study company Natura, plant in the city of Benevides, Pa. The study aimed to analyze the concept of sustainability and business strategy applied by the company Natura. The research was descriptive and organizational level of analysis. Used as sources of evidence, archival materials available on the web, transcripts of interviews, annual reports. The research identified that the company opted for the recovery of the regional economy, seeking professional partnerships with cooperatives. Thus, it is understood that the company works the concept of sustainability, to establish partnerships with small farmers. Conclusion of this research, the company also receives benefits to settle near the source of raw materials, such as saving transport costs. As the first large company in the sector of perfumery, to settle in the Amazon region, the company has a competitive advantage by maintaining contact with family farmers and using a picture of sustainability as a marketingtool. ABSTRACT: Case study company Natura, plant in the city of Benevides, Pa. The study aimed to analyze the concept of sustainability and business strategy applied by the company Natura. The research was descriptive and organizational level of analysis. Used as sources of evidence, archival materials available on the web, transcripts of interviews, annual reports. The research identified that the company opted for the recovery of the regional economy, seeking professional partnerships with cooperatives. Thus, it is understood that the company works the concept of sustainability, to establish partnerships with small farmers. Conclusion of this research, the company also receives benefits to settle near the source of raw materials, such as saving transport costs. As the first large company in the sector of perfumery, to settle in the Amazon region, the company has a competitive advantage by maintaining contact with family farmers and using a picture of sustainability as a marketingtool.


SUZUKI, Gilberto Takashi. O conceito de sustentabilidade e estratégia empresarial: o caso da Natura na Amazônia. 2009. 111 f. Dissertação (Mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Pará, Núcleo de Altos Estudos Amazônicos, Belém, 2009. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento Sustentável do Trópico Úmido.





Open Access

Palavras-Chave #Sustentabilidade #Natura #Organização #Desenvolvimento regional
