Comprovações parciais da contabilidade como procedimento de auditoria: uma análise exploratória em firmas de auditoria do Chile e do Brasil

Autoria(s): Romanque Gutierrez, Daniel Arturo

Cardozo, Julio Sergio de Souza

Monteiro, Deny da Rocha

Florentino, Americo Matheus






The work describes the procedures used by auditing companies when they have to give their opinion, based only in partial checking of the accounting books. A comparative analysis of the procedures used by companies operating in Santiago (Chile) and Rio de Janeiro (Brasil) is deve loped. The study is structured in a manner that permit to address the following questions : Which are the sampling techniques used by auditing firms in Chile and Brasil? - Which are the problems faced by using these techniques? 11 there is any; What are the main differences between the techniques used by both type 01 firms? lhe bibliographic review summarizes the sources that 6upport the use 01 partial checking as an auditing procedure. The methodology described after in to be used and the reason for its use are this parto The results of the survey applied to companies are also shown . A1ter , the data analysis is presented, making possible a comparison of the sampling techniques used by the auditing 1irms from both countries. Finally, based on the results, the conclusions and comments are presented. Some curricula or professional career considerations for auditor s are a lso presented in this part.





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Palavras-Chave #Auditoria
