Avaliação do Programa Grande Carajas a luz da teoria de delimitação de sistemas sociais

Autoria(s): Cota, Raymundo Garcia

Marquesini, Ana Maria Bernardes Goffi






o trabalho objetiva enquadrar o Programa Grande Carajás dentro dos planos de desenvolvimento da Amazônia ~ do qual ele é um programa para a Amazônia Oriental. A base teórica e a de delimitação de sistemas sociais de Guerreiro Ramos

This work aims to present the Grand Carajas program within the plans of development of Amazonia - of which it is a program for East Amazonia. The theoretical framework used was Guerreiro Ramos' delimitation of social systems, which is a continuation of his parenthetical man, cdpable of influencing History. The Grand Carajas program is presented in its official version, being evaluated from the view point of public policy. If the Carajas Program had to ~e approached through the conventional and linear sightof History where alI stages are to be run and that alI market spaces are to be occupied, the program, then/would be fully justified, although with terrible consequences. Differently from the colonization of são Paulo, occurred during the laissez-faire regime, the colonization of Amazonia is happening after a new fact - the uprising of the interventionist state - capable of transforndng geographical and social spaces. It suits to such state to act politically in delimi tating enclaves of a regíon which has always been looked as a problem solver of other regions. People have always looked for the Eldorado in Amazonia, under several n~es, being the latest Carajas. This work does not propose ready made receipts~ it discusses potentialities and possibilities of the region.






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Palavras-Chave #Programa Grande Carajas #Desenvolvimento econômico #Sociologia da administração #Antropologia econômica #Amazônia - Condições econômicas
