Action research in a remote district in Papua New Guinea: final report

Autoria(s): Evans, Terry; Paraide, Patricia; Casey, Gail



This project investigated whether action research could be used to address ‘grassroots’ community problems in a remote district of PNG. The research team introduced, supported and researched the implementation of a pilot action research project from April to November 2015 in Abau, Central Province. The project was funded by the Australian Government and commissioned through the Economic and Public Sector Program (EPSP) managed by Coffey. The action research participants comprised people from throughout Abau with interests in women’s and gender equity issues from community groups and agencies in the district. The action research teams developed evidence-based understandings of the causes and consequences of the problems that they were addressing through their actions. The research team provided each participant with a mobile phone connected to a ‘common user group’ (CUG). This enabled each participant unlimited phone calls and SMS messaging to other participants and to the research team. The research team sent weekly sets of SMS messages to all participants to assist their action research work. The use of mobile phones to support action research in remote communities was an important element of both facilitating the action research and of the research on the pilot project itself. With such knowledge they were strengthened in purpose and intention to help their own community. This suggests that an extension of this work in other remote areas of PNG may be successful.





Nuzami Research & Consulting



2016, Nuzami Research & Consulting

Palavras-Chave #Action Research #Development in PNG #Gender Equity #Using mobile phones for development
