Resilience to obesity among socioeconomically disadvantaged women : the READI study

Autoria(s): Ball, K.; Abbott, G.; Cleland, V.; Timperio, A; Thornton, L.; Mishra, G.; Jeffery, R. W.; Brug, J.; King, A.; Crawford, D.



<b>Objective:</b><br /> <br /><br />This cross-sectional study aimed to identify sociodemographic and behavioural characteristics of ‘overweight-resilient’ women, that is, women who were in a healthy body weight range, despite living in socioeconomically disadvantaged neighbourhoods that place them at increased risk of obesity. The study also aimed to test a comprehensive theoretically derived model of the associations between intrapersonal, social and environmental factors and obesity among this target group.<br /><b>Participants:</b><br /> <br /><br />A total of 3235 women aged 18–45 years from 80 urban and rural neighbourhoods throughout Victoria, Australia, participated in the Resilience for Eating and Activity Despite Inequality study.<br /><b>Measurements:</b><br /> <br /><br />Women reported height, weight, sociodemographic characteristics, leisure-time physical activity, dietary behaviours and a range of theoretically derived cognitive, social and neighbourhood environmental characteristics hypothesized to influence obesity risk. A theoretical model predicting body mass index (BMI) was tested using structural equation models.<br /><b>Results:</b><br /> <br /><br />Women classified as ‘resilient’ to obesity tended to be younger, born overseas, more highly educated, unmarried and to have higher or undisclosed household incomes. They engaged in more leisure-time physical activity and consumed less fast foods and soft drinks than overweight/obese women. Neighbourhood characteristics, social characteristics and cognitive characteristics all contributed to explaining variation in BMI in the hypothesized directions.<br /><b>Conclusions:</b><br /> <br /><br />These results demonstrate several characteristics of women appearing ‘resilient’ to obesity, despite their increased risk conferred by residing in socioeconomically disadvantaged neighbourhoods. Acknowledging the cross-sectional study design, the results advance theoretical frameworks aimed at investigating obesity risk by providing evidence in support of a comprehensive model of direct and indirect effects on obesity of neighbourhood, as well as social, cognitive and behavioural characteristics.





Nature Publishing Group


NHMRC 374241


2012, Nature Publishing Group

Palavras-Chave #obesity risk factors #structural equation models #socioeconomic disadvantage

Journal Article