You are what you eat : influence of host ecology on infection risk in populations and individuals

Autoria(s): Hoye, Bethany; Klaassen, Marcel; Fouchier, Ron



It is widely accepted that wild aquatic birds are the major reservoir for Avian Influenza viruses (AIV), and also play a significant role as vectors for the disease. However, despite intensive surveillance, we still know very little about the role individual wild birds (and their populations) play in the transmission and maintenance of these viruses. Traditionally, combinations of single-location surveillance and historical migration patterns have been used to estimate the degree to which different species may be involved. However, this broad scale approach tends to neglect the ecology of the virus, and just as importantly, the ecology of the host. Over 100 species have been found infected with these viruses worldwide, with many more purportedly negative for the disease. Using data from ten years of wild bird surveillance in the Netherlands we catalogued the ecological properties of each species sampled, in order to determine whether infected species are ecologically separated from those that are not. Using stable isotope analysis of feathers and blood components, we also examine whether infection risk of individuals within a species known to be infected by AIV can be attributable to antecedent foraging habitats. The use of an aquatic habitat is strongly associated with infection risk at all levels analysed, including individuals and populations of a single species, and between species. These unique findings underscore the usefulness of stable isotope methods in disease ecology, particularly when compared to broader-scale inter-species patterns, and the potential role of host ecology in transmission and maintenance of AIV.





Springer New York LLC



Journal Article