Nursing and being nursed from patients' perspectives : an ethnographic study

Autoria(s): Hall, Janet.



The research was commenced to understand why patients submissively accept compliance in the nursing relationship. To understand this phenomenon, an anthropological perspective about nursing was sought through ethnographic processes, utilising The Ethnographic Research Cycle and The Developmental Research Sequence as detailed by James Spradley (1980). Ethnographic methods of fieldwork and participant observation were undertaken over a three month period in a district nursing service in a rural area of Victoria, Australia. There are three over arching aims. The first is to record information at risk of being lost, hence the ethnography is an archival record describing insiders' perspectives of nursing practice. Description brings into view broad contextual issues that shape nursing practice, the daily routines and cultural norms of nursing, whilst also giving voice to patients' experiences about being nursed. The early part of the thesis is descriptive of the mundanity of nursing practice and of being a patient as these interactions are of fundamental significance in giving meaning to people's lives. Secondly the inquiry seeks to capture the meaning patients attach to nursing. Further description continued to uncover perspectives of nursing that were layered to present an integrated whole that still acknowledges the integrity of individuals and structures that make up that whole. As the cultural picture gained detail, the expected norms of being a nurse and a patient became evident, revealing how culture gives shape to nursing and being nursed. Notions of time and space were found to be constructs of being a patient which shape the illness experience. They are not necessarily within a patient's control, nonetheless, there is a norm and deviation from this norm has consequences for patients. Thirdly, the ethnography conveys the expected behaviour for a person who becomes a patient, to make known the implicit meanings, norms of behaviour and unwritten rules that a patient needs to understand as they pass through various stages of the health care system. In conclusion, the ethnography consistently reveals the underlying conflict between what nurses believe they do and the meaning attached to the experience of being nursed. For example, some nurses practice with patients' values as central to practice; others believe they care, yet observation and patient conversations suggest that they do not. The ethnography revealed that society expects nurses to elicit and reinforce compliance. Similarly, the power of culture shapes the experience of patients as the desire to be accepted, as a personal need, and as a means of having their nursing needs met, means that patients will invariably be passively compliant. The consequence is that nurses have a dominant power differential over patients, therefore, if nursing is to continue to describe practice as humanistic and caring, they ought to actively seek to be aware of patients' values and be motivated to accept these as central to practice.





Deakin University, Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences, School of Nursing


Palavras-Chave #Nurse and patient - Australia #Nursing - Philosophy - Research
