The Victorian living with possums policy : a review

Autoria(s): Picone, Andrew; Miller, Kelly; Temby, Ian



Possums in urban areas can cause problems for residents when they live in the roof cavity of homes. The Victorian Living With Possums policy was implemented by the Department of Natural Resources and Environment (DNRE) in 1997 to address the ineffective, illegal and inhumane nature of possum management practices. Human-possum conflicts in urban areas can be difficult to resolve, and it is therefore important that the Living With Possums policy is effectively reaching the community and other stakeholders (e.g. vets, local councils).<br /><br />This study represents Stage 1 of a two-part research project that aims to examine community awareness of and compliance with the policy and relevant legislation. A pilot questionnaire was designed and distributed to a sample of individuals who have recently hired possum traps from local councils or private organisations within metropolitan Melbourne. Preliminary findings indicate that although there is some level of awareness about the Living with Possums policy, there is evidence of non-compliance and a lack of understanding about the detailed policy guidelines. In Stage 2 of this project, questionnaires will be distributed to a larger sample of individuals who are experiencing conflicts with possums in order to examine just how widespread this lack of compliance and awareness is. <br />





Australasian Wildlife Management Society


Conference Paper