Slurry pump side-liner wear : comparison of some laboratory and field results

Autoria(s): Walker, Craig I.



The current work compares some slurry pump lab wear results with the wear found across different field applications with d<sub>85</sub> particle size ranging from 100 to 4000mm. Side-liner wear life data has been collected for two different impeller geometries and two different material classes (cast iron and natural rubber). Different field wear patterns have been photographed and categorised on the basis of particle size. The field wear patterns showed close similarity to the lab wear patterns particularly in the areas of localised gouging. Wear rates are also compared for the different geometries. Overall trend of wear with particle size for the white iron parts was similar to the grey iron lab tests albeit at significantly lower wear rates. In general, the wear with the rubber side-liner was less at smaller particle sizes but greater for particles larger than d8The current work compares some slurry pump lab wear results with the wear found across different field applications with d<sub>85</sub> particle 10 size ranging from 100 to 4000mm. Side-liner wear life data has been collected for two different impeller geometries and two different 11 material classes (cast iron and natural rubber). Different field wear patterns have been photographed and categorised on the basis of particle 12 size. The field wear patterns showed close similarity to the lab wear patterns particularly in the areas of localised gouging. Wear rates are 13 also compared for the different geometries. Overall trend of wear with particle size for the white iron parts was similar to the grey iron lab 14 tests albeit at significantly lower wear rates. In general, the wear with the rubber side-liner was less at smaller particle sizes but greater for 15 particles larger than d<sub>85</sub> of about 700mm. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.Y. All rights reserved.<br />





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