Scouring uncharted waters – managing outbound open innovation in maritime industry

Autoria(s): Rauvola, Rita





This thesis discusses the unexplored opportunities of open innovation, with a special focus on outbound open innovation. The extant literature indicates that the field of outbound open innovation still lacks of research, and especially the managerial issues lack of practicality. Also, the applicability to SME’s and traditional fields has been argued. The purpose of this study is to investigate how the outbound open innovation activities can be managed in maritime industry. By combining existing literature from the field of open innovation and innovation management, this study suggests first a theoretical management model, and contributes how it can be applied to industry- and company specifics; and then develops a practical model by constructing from the case company’s current management processes. As a result, the study synthesises a theoretical model of how the outbound open innovation activities can be managed. This model positions the outbound open innovation activities, the theoretical concepts found from the literature review, R&D processes, and the outbound open innovation implementation stages identified by previous research; and thus responses the need for practical steps for any company planning outbound open innovation activities. Practical tool for managers is also provided by identifying issues that are applied to industry- and company specifics. Then, open-ended case study questions are formulated accordingly and expert interviews selected by chain referral sampling, are conducted. Interviews provide information for the current management processes. By identifying the best practices and main challenges it is possible to outline and evaluate current outbound open innovation management processes and strategic choices in it. The researcher considers also the networks and their spheres of influences for the actors, activities and resources in the processes. Thus, the study provides a novel approach, and practical tools for the researchers and practioners in the field of open innovation. All in all, the study has come up that outbound open innovation is applicable to maritime industry; and the case company indeed has perfected its processes as cost-effective as possible, and so found its balance between the costs and benefits. However, several issues for future development are pointed out, and the study offers proposals for theory building. Findings are piloting in kind, but provide several theoretical and managerial implications, and reveal new research needs for the field.


