A new map of Denmark and Sweden. According to ye newest and most exact observations. By H. Moll, geographer.
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Resumo |
Kahdessa osassa painettu kartta. Dedikaatio: To his excellency John lord bishop of Bristol L.d privy seal and her majesty's first plenipotentiary at the Treaty of Utrecht. This map is humbly dedicated by your excellency's most humble servant H. Moll geographer. Janamittakaavat: Miles of Great Britain ; Denish and Swedish miles ; German leagues. 0-meridiaanit: Lontoo, Ferro. - Koordinaattiasteikot: W4°-E48°, E19°-59°, N66-54°. Oikeassa reunassa viisi Johannes Schefferuksen teokseen Lapponia perustuvaa kuvaa lappalaisten elämästä, joiden alla teksti: The Laplanders being the most remarkable peoples in Europe ... Vasemmassa yläkulmassa kartake: The north part of Norway, Lapland and Greenland [Ruija ja Huippuvuoret]. |
Identificador |
urn:isci:FI-H-Ekm12353 http://www.doria.fi/handle/10024/104969 URN:NBN:fi-fe2015KKrt006621485 |
Publicador |
[London] : printed for H. Moll over against Devereux Court without Temple Bar in the Strand D. Midwinter at the 3 Crouns in S.t Pauls Church yard and T. Bowles print & mapseller next to the Chapter House n S.t Pauls Church yard and by Philip Overton map & printseller near S. Dunstans Church Fleetstreet, [n. 1730] |
Direitos |
http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/deed.fi http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/deed.sv Aineisto on vapaasti saatavissa Unrestricted online access Obegränsad tillgång online Public domain |