Platelet activation: ultrastructure and morphometry in platelet-rich plasma of horses

Autoria(s): Zandim,Bruna M.; Souza,Maria V. de; Magalhães,Pablo C.; Benjamin,Laércio dos A.; Maia,Leandro; Oliveira,Aécio C. de; Pinto,José de O.; Ribeiro Júnior,José I.



This study was conducted to investigate the activation ability of the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) by pharmacological agents, as well as to verify the need or not of this activation for therapeutic use. The PRP was obtained from four healthy crossbred geldings aged 13 to 16 years (15±1years), and was processed for observation and quantification of the platelet morphology by using the transmission electron microscopy. All PRP samples were activated with 10% calcium chloride (CaCl2) solution, pure bovine thrombin or associated with CaCl2. The control (pure PRP) was not pharmacologically activated. In the pure PRP samples, 49% of the platelets were classified as state of activation uncertain, 41% as resting, 9% as fully activated and 1% as irreversibly damaged. Treatment with 10% CaCl2 provided a distribution of 54% platelets in state of activation uncertain, 24% as fully activated, 20% as resting, and 2% as irreversibly damaged. The platelet morphology of the bovine thrombin treated samples did not fit into classification adopted, as showing irregular shape with emission of large filamentous pseudopods, appearance of ruptured and whole granules in the remaining cytoplasm and extracellular environment. There was effect of the treatment on the platelet morphology (P=0.03). The 10% CaCl2 is an adequate platelet-activating agent. However, in cases the use of PRP under its liquid form is necessary, the use of pure PRP is recommended, since besides presenting an adequate percentage of fully activated platelets it also has significant amount of the resting type, which can be activated by substances found in the injured tissue.







Colégio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal - CBPA. Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA)


Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira v.32 n.1 2012

Palavras-Chave #Plasma rich in platelets #platelet function #growth factors #horses

journal article