Pequisas físicas e químicas do sistema hidrográfico da região lagunar de Cananéia: I - Cursos de águas

Autoria(s): Machado,Labieno de Barros



The present elaboration is a "previous note" about two watercourses, Maria Rodrigues and Baguaçú, belonging to Hydrografic System of the Cananeas Lagoon Region in the Southern Part of it he Coast of the Estado de São Paulo, Brazil, which is the objete of our physical and chemical researches. It is based on the first results obtained from our contact with that region, ttfie studies of which are being continued and will still have to confirm or not the previous conclusions, which we are presenting in this "provisional paper". We studied the Maria Rodrigues and the Baguacu under the discussion whether they are to be clasified as a river in the poper sense ot the word or waUer-courses of any other origin. For this purpose we established observatory-stations along their whole course where we collected quantities of water to be analised. The data included in the table nº 1 and 2 refer to the physical and chemical properties of these portions of water. These physical and chemical properties were discussed and compared one with the other according to the observatory-stations, at the same moment and the tide predominating on that occasion. The physical and chemical datas were obtained according to the norms recommended by the Conseil International permanent pour l'Exploration de la Mer, Copenhague. We also presented a sketch of both; we described their relations with regard to the Mar de Cananéia; we inserted comprehensible histograms of the distribution of the observatory-stations, each of them with the respective indices, and at last we tried to correlate the occurrence of the "plancton" with the physical and chemical properties of water as well in the Maria Rodrigues as in the Baguacú. From these researches result the following previous conclusions: 1 - By the data obtained up to now nothing could be formulated as to a cyclical or "seasonal" aspect. 2 - By the comparison of the phenomena which present the rivers in the proper sense of the word and those observed in the Maria Rodrigues and the Baguacú, we are convinced that both are water-courses of the classical type "marigot,". 3 - Their channels are maintained open by the effect of the tide and, more perphaps, by the infiltration-water deriving from the underground-water level owing to the type of the soil of that region, which in mean shows an elevation of 2-4 meters over sea-level. 4 - From tables 1 and 2 and histograms 2 and 3 we stated that the water, not only of the Maria Rodrigues but also of the Baguacú, conserve more or less the same physical and chemical properties, provided that: 1) the localities to be compared are the mouths or equidistant points from them in the lower course, and 2) the moment and tide must be the same. Tables 3a and 3b show sufficiently this supposition.







Instituto Oceanográfico da Universidade de São Paulo


Boletim do Instituto Paulista de Oceanografia v.1 n.1 1950


journal article