El doblatge i la subtitulació de The Nightmare before Christmas: una anàlisi contrastiva de les dues grans modalitats de la traducció audiovisual

Autoria(s): Mascaró Genestar, Irene



Aquest treball es proposa analitzar la traducció del doblatge i la subtitulació d'un text audiovisual concret per identificar les tendències i les estratègies de traducció que imperen en cada modalitat. Així mateix, pretén comprovar si a la pràctica es respecten les convencions i normes de la traducció audiovisual

Despite its large volume compared with other types of translation and the interest it holds for university students year after year, audio-visual translation is a field that has been poorly studied. By means of a contrastive analysis of the translation for dubbing and subtitling of a specific audio-visual text, the film The Nightmare before Christmas, this paper sets two objectives: to identify the characteristics and restrictions of dubbing and subtitling as well as the tendencies that prevail in their translation and to observe whether the norm has been correctly applied in both cases according to the literature consulted. For the purposes of this study, the film has been watched in order to spot the most representative excerpts so as to build up a corpus of examples in which four translation problems have been analyzed: song translation, proper names, cultural referents and idiolects. One of the most important observations carried out is that the translation in each modality is very different. A possible reason to explain this phenomenon could be that dubbing and subtitling pursue different goals that have been influenced to some extent by the specific characteristics and restrictions of each modality, as well as by the musical genre of the film






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Palavras-Chave #Audiovisuals -- Traducció #Doblatge #Subtitulació
