Transport of a biocontrol Pseudomonas fluorescens through 2.5-m deep outdoor lysimeters and survival in the effluent water

Autoria(s): Troxler J.; Zala M.; Natsch A.; Nievergelt J.; Keel C.; Défago G.



Application of wild-type or genetically-modified bacteria to the soil environment entails the risk of dissemination of these organisms to the groundwater. To measure vertical transport of bacteria under natural climatic conditions, Pseudomonas fluorescens strain CHA0 was released together with bromide as a mobile tracer at the surface of large outdoor lysimeters. Two experiments, one starting in autumn 1993 and the other in spring 1994 were performed. Shortly after a heavy rainfall in late spring 1994, the released bacteria were detected for the first time in effluent water from the 2.5-m-deep lysimeters in both experiments, i.e. 210 d and 21 d, respectively, after inoculation. Only a 10−9 to 10−8 fraction of the inoculum was recovered as culturable cells in the effluent water, but a larger fraction of the CHA0 cells was in a non-culturable state as detected with immunofluorescence microscopy. As much as 50% of the mobile tracer percolated through the lysimeters, indicating that, compared with bromide, bacterial cells were retained in soil. In the second part of this study, persistence of CHA0 in groundwater microcosms consisting of lysimeter effluent water was studied for 380 d. Survival of the inoculant as culturable cells was better under anaerobic than under aerobic conditions. However, a large fraction of the cells became non-culturable in both cases. When the experiment was performed with filter-sterilized effluent water, the total count of introduced bacteria did not decline with time. In conclusion, the biocontrol strain was transported in low numbers to a potential groundwater level under natural climatic conditions, but could persist for an extended period in groundwater microcosms.








Soil Biology and Biochemistry, vol. 30, no. 5, pp. 621-631


