Biokinetics and dosimetry of 111 In-DOTA-NOC-ATE compared with 111In-DTPA-Octreotide

Autoria(s): Boubaker A.; Prior J.O.; Willi J.; Champendal M.; Kosinski M.; Bischof Delaloye A.; Maecke H.R.; Ginj M.; Baechler S.; Buchegger F.



Aim: Biokinetics and dosimetry of 111In-DOTA-NOC-ATE (NOCATE) and 111In-DTPA-octreotide (Octreoscan?, OCTREO) were comparatively studied in the same patients. Patients and Methods: Seventeen patients (10 males, 7 females), mean age 60 years referred for an Octreoscan? because of carcinoid (N=9), unspecified neurodendocrine tumors (N=6), thymoma (N=1) or medullary thyroid carcinoma (N=1) accepted a second study with NOCATE. Four patients had no detectable tumor at the time of scanning. Whole-body (WB) anterior-posterior scans were recorded 0.5 (100% reference scan), 4, 24 and 48 hrs (N=17) and 120 hrs (N=6) after injection. OCTREO (178±15 MBq) preceded NOCATE (108±14 MBq) imaging with 16±5 days in 16 patients while 1 patient had first NOCATE followed 14 days later by OCTREO. Blood samples were taken 5, 15, 30, 60, 240 and 1440 min after injection. Background corrected geometric mean counts of WB, lung, kidney, liver, spleen and blood counts expressed in % of the initial composite WB and blood counts, respectively were fitted to bi- or single exponential curves and dosimetry was performed for male and female patients using MIRDOSE3.1 and OLINDA/EXM. Results: Initially, WB, lung and kidney activity was similar but retention was significantly higher for NOCATE compared with OCTREO. Liver and spleen uptake of NOCATE was higher from beginning (p<0.001) and remained so over time. Activity in rest of body showed similar α and β half-lives, but the β half-life fraction of NOCATE was much higher than OCTREO (49% vs. 19%, respectively). Blood T1/2β was longer for NOCATE compared with OCTREO (19 vs. 6h). Residence times were similar in male and female patients while they were in both genders higher for NOCATE than OCTREO. Consequently, effective dose (ED) for NOCATE (ED 114 and 134 μSv/MBq for man and women, respectively) exceeded that of OCTREO (ED = 61 and 71 μSv/MBq), the latter results being close to the ICRP-published radiation dose of OCTREO (ED = 54 and 71 µSv/MBq, respectively). Differential activity measurement in blood cells and plasma showed that only a minor fraction of NOCATE and OCTREO (<5 % in the mean) was bound to globular blood components. Conclusions: NOCATE showed higher retention in normal organs and delivered roughly twice the radiation dose of OCTREO. The ED of OCTREO in these patients was similar to ICRP80 report when adopting a bladder voiding interval of 2 hours.







25th Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM)


