Influence of inflammation on total energy expenditure in hemodialysis patients.

Autoria(s): Mafra D.; Deleaval P.; Teta D.; Cleaud C.; Arkouche W.; Jolivot A.; Fouque D.



Background and Objectives: Studies show that inflammation can contribute to an increase in resting energy expenditure in patients with chronic kidney disease; however, findings about total energy expenditure (TEE) have not been reported. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of inflammation on TEE and physical activity energy expenditure in hemodialysis (HD) patients.Design: This was a cross-sectional study.Setting: This study was conducted from Hopital Edouard Herriot, Lyon, France.Patients: This study included 24 HD patients and 18 healthy subjects.Main Outcome Measure: TEE and step counts were measured over a 7-day period by the SenseWear Pro2 Armband in 24 HD patients (15 patients with C-reactive protein,5 mg/L, aged 67.0 +/- 6 14.7 years, and 9 with C-reactive protein >5 mg/L, aged 69.0 +/- 6 18.0 years) and compared with 18 healthy subjects (62.3 +/- 6 15.3 years).Results: Mean estimated TEE measured with SenseWear Pro2 Armband was significantly lower (25.5 +/- 4.1 kcal/kg/day) in patients with inflammation when compared with those without inflammation (32.0 +/- 6.7 kcal/kg/day) and with healthy subjects (31.8 +/- 6 7.0 kcal/kg/day) (P = .012). There was a difference in the physical activity (step counts) between patient groups (P < .05). Healthy subjects and patients without inflammation walked more (8,107 +/- 5,419 and 6,016 +/- 3,752 steps/day, respectively) as compared with patients with inflammation (2,801 +/- 2,754 steps/day, P = .001).Conclusion: Our findings suggest that patients with inflammation have a lower TEE when compared with healthy subjects and patients without inflammation. TEE is influenced by physical activity because patients with inflammation appear to be less active. (C) 2011 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved.


isbn:1532-8503 (Electronic)







Journal of Renal Nutrition, vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 387-393


