Relação entre desempenho motor e variáveis antropométricas em crianças e adolescentes de Florianópolis, SC/Brasil

Autoria(s): Zequinão, Marcela; Medeiros, Pâmella; Santos, João Otacilio Libardoni; Silva, Inês Peixoto; Pereira, Beatriz Oliveira; Cardoso, Fernando Luiz



O objetivo foi analisar a relação entre desempenho motor (DM) e variáveis antropométricas de crianças e adolescentes de escolas públicas de Florianópolis. Metodologia: 300 alunos do 3º ao 5º ano e da 4ª a 6ª série do Ensino Fundamental, entre os 8 e 16 anos. Os resultados vão ao encontro à literatura, que indicam correlações negativas entre DM e variáveis antropométricas em crianças e adolescentes.

The aim of the research was to analyze the relationship between motor performance and anthropometric variables of children and adolescents from public schools in Florianópolis. Methodology: 300 students from 3rd to 5rh grade and 4th to 6th grade of elementary school, between 8 and 16 years. For the motor perfomance was used the TGMD-2 and for anthropometric variables, body mass and height and subsequently was calculated the BMI. Results: The students with the best motor score had lower body weight, height and BML. When was separate participants in children and adolescents, was found that children wtih higher manipulation scores had lower body mass (p= -0.399**, p=0.007, height (p = -0. 451**, p=0.002) and BMl (p = -0.317*, p=0.034) and in odolescents was met associotions between locomotor scores and body wieigh variables (p=-205**, ,p =0.003) height (p - 0.154*, p=0.03) and BMI (p=-,175*, p=0.01), as well with gross ratio between engine and body mass (p = 0.165*, p = 0.018). Conclusion: Thee results are in line with the literature, which indicate negative associations between motor performance and anthropometric variables in children and adolescents.

CIEC - Centro de Investigação em Estudos da Criança, IE, UM (UI 317 da FCT); Projeto Estratégico da FCT: UID/CED/00317/2013






Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Escola Superior de Educação





Palavras-Chave #Desempenho Motor #Habilidades Motoras #Variáveis antropométricas #Crianças #Adolescentes #Motor performance #Motor skills #Anthropometric variables
