Evaluation of seismic vulnerability assessment parameters for portuguese vernacular constructions with nonlinear numerical analysis

Autoria(s): Ortega Heras, Javier; Vasconcelos, Graça; Lourenço, Paulo B.; Correia, Mariana; Rodrigues, Hugo; Varum, Humberto



Considering that vernacular architecture may bear important lessons on hazard mitigation and that well-constructed examples showing traditional seismic resistant features can present far less vulnerability than expected, this study aims at understanding the resisting mechanisms and seismic behavior of vernacular buildings through detailed finite element modeling and nonlinear static (pushover) analysis. This paper focuses specifically on a type of vernacular rammed earth constructions found in the Portuguese region of Alentejo. Several rammed earth constructions found in the region were selected and studied in terms of dimensions, architectural layout, structural solutions, construction materials and detailing and, as a result, a reference model was built, which intends to be a simplified representative example of these constructions, gathering the most common characteristics. Different parameters that may affect the seismic response of this type of vernacular constructions have been identified and a numerical parametric study was defined aiming at evaluating and quantifying their influence in the seismic behavior of this type of vernacular buildings. This paper is part of an ongoing research which includes the development of a simplified methodology for assessing the seismic vulnerability of vernacular buildings, based on vulnerability index evaluation methods.

The authors wishes to express their gratitude to the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation (FCT) for the scholarship granted in the scope of the research project ‘SEISMICV – Vernacular Seismic Culture in Portugal’ (PTDC/ATP-AQI/ 3934/2012).


Ortega, J., Vasconcelos, G., Correia, M., Rodrigues, H., Lourenço, P. B., & Varum, H. (2015). Evaluation of seismic vulnerability assessment parameters for Portuguese vernacular constructions with nonlinear numerical analysis. Paper presented at the COMPDYN 2015 - 5th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering.








Palavras-Chave #Vernacular architecture #rammed earth #seismic vulnerability #numerical analysis
